Update: Continental isn’t finished with United and their $94 hub attack just yet, they just filed a $94 NYC-DEN fare, which will be bookable by 4:00pm or so…
Continental just published a $94 between the United hubs of Denver and Washington D.C.
Save 5% by using your Chase Continental MC and using the code: Onepass
Should be bookable by about 4:00pm est.
NYC-Denver-$94+ RT On Continental
Washington D.C.-Denver-$94+ RT On Continental
still not bookable
I tried May 7-8 as random dates and both was-den and lga-den came up as $94 on continental.com
I tried it at 4:30 Friday, and farecompare showed the fare was not bookable yet, and I tried it last night, and now there is no such fare
Farecompare doesn’t show whether fares are bookable or not.
The only way to know if this fare was bookable was by going to continental.com.
I know for a fact that both of the above fares were bookable on continental.com at about 4:45 pm on friday, and in all likelihood were bookable for some time before that as well.