Norton Internet Security 2012, 3 User Edition For Free After $50 Rebate From!

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Norton Internet Security 2012, 3 User Edition Linky

$50 (Prepaid Visa Card) Rebate Linky (Purchase by 05/21 and postmark within 30 days of purchase)

HT: Bert G.


Older First
  1. :D

    Help! I just purchased one from Norton today! $49.95 Why did you post this so late ine the day?????????

  2. Lev

    Anyone use this? Does it do the job? Slow down your computer?
    I was using TrendMicro until now, but hate it. It slows down my computer every time it updates and hogs memory.

  3. shim

    2nd last day to buy things under amex PREMIUM return protection

  4. David R

    Thanks. It gets me $50 closer to that credit card spending threshold.

    BTW, that’s Internet, not Intermet.

  5. Mendy

    Why in the world would anyone use Norton it slows down your computer. AVG is great and free

  6. Nice

    Who pays for anti virus? Seriously? I’m in the IT field for many years and it really pains me when I see people paying for something that is offered for free.

  7. Larry

    So can I get a renewal on McAffee free?

  8. Ashi

    This is an excellent product. I have done a lot of research and this is the best rated by pc mag,cnet, consumersearch,consumerreports etc. you wont regret your purchase.

  9. MacDan

    Nice, agree totally! AVG is free and does a way better job than Norton. Norton is bloated and doesn’t work well.

  10. yl

    @Nice: thanks for your post. what ( free product)would you recommend?

  11. techie

    Actually AVG has gone from great to crap and Norton has gone from crap to very good.

    Gotta stick with the times!

  12. actually knows stuff

    are we really still comparing avg to norton? thats so years ago. anyone who knows how to do basic research on the internet can discover, in slightly less than an hour, which of these two products is superior (hint: it’s norton. but why take my word for it?)


  13. Mark W

    Personally, I’d never pay for bloatware like Norton. Anyone running Windows is better off with one of the many freeware options out there.

  14. deal lurker

    To all the clueless commenters here, “techie” is 100% correct. Avg is garbage and norton really stepped up.amd now offers a great product.
    (It used to be the opposite.)

  15. Nice

    Avg isn’t worth a penny. We use Microsoft Security Essentials. We put that on all of our clients unless the client specifically asks for Symantec at which point we don’t care because we make more $ that way :-).

    Think about it, who made the OS that most of you are using? Don’t you think they would be able to protect it?

    I think the last time I used norton was when clinton was in office and haven’t looked back once.

  16. dan where r u now?

    dan , internet security … where r u now dan u make no mention of the big internet asifa where over 300000 yiddin around the world will partake. i guess it stinks to be out of buiness…do teshuva dan how many yiddin were u nichshal…how many good deals to the beaches to vegas how many magazine subscriptions to prusta magazines dan…. repent dan and lose this site

  17. dan where r u now?

    i meant cause to ne nichshal…and ots not where its were tippish


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