Finally! Israel Will Reportedly Reopen To Unvaccinated Children In 2 Weeks!

Photo Credit: Askii [CC BY-SA 3.0], from Wikimedia Commons
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Israel has been effectively closed to families with young children since March 2020.

But the country will reportedly reopen to unvaccinated children under the age of 12 starting on March 1st.

Presumably, parents accompanying the children will either need to be fully vaccinated within the past 180 days or had their booster shot. For now, the booster shot doesn’t expire.

This post will be updated when the official guidelines are released.

Will you book travel to Israel under these new rules?


Older First
  1. Mendel

    Will the children need to quarantine?

    • Dan\'s the man

      As of now everyone needs to quarantine until u get the results of your PCR at Ben gurion but I assume those rules will also be changing shortly. The world is finally opening up bH

      • Mendel

        My question was, would they need to quarantine the full 5 days like an unvaccinated Israeli

  2. J h

    Source? Dov Lipman just tweeted that this is still a rumor

    • Dan

      Confirmed off the record with a trusted source. But that’s why I said reportedly.

    • bp27

      When Lipman can’t claim to take credit, it is just a “Rumor”. This was publicized by Nechemya Malinowitz, who’s information has been correct every single time (unlike Lipman)

  3. Ari

    Not until they get rid of all vaccine and booster requirements.
    The virus is circulating freely in Israel, requiring vaccination of travelers is pointless.
    My >12 kids don’t need to be vaccinated/boosted, especially since they all already had coivd.

    • CtownBin

      If they had COVID recently and you can prove it, they are able to enter without being vaccinated I believe.

      • Dan

        Israel doesn’t accept US proof of recovery.

        • Sholom

          So if I’m double vacced, and had covid a month ago that’s not good enough? I still need a booster?

        • Leah fink

          Right… Which leaves many people unable to go there. It’s beyond insanity. Who are they trying to protect at this point? I hope this convoy makes an impact

        • Dovid

          They accept UK proof of recovery (by providing positive results)

        • In a roundabout way they do

          Yes if you have proof of recovery and use it to get an EU version of a green pass which Israel accepts, you can bypass the system, I just did myself and got my green pass!

          • Yankel

            How, please?

        • eli

          you can convert your American proof or recovery to European and then they accept it

          • Yankel

            How do you convert a US positive PCR test into a European one plz?

          • john

            did you find out? i would like to know?

    • Dan\'s the man

      I’d say by June 1 you’ll be able to go. Book now. Airfare is going up this summer everywhere! lol

  4. Shani

    Is there a 7 day quarantine required?

  5. Moe

    “Will you book travel to Israel under these new rules?”

    Maybe, but just this week.
    Next week the rule is changing to 2 month old’s needing 4 vaccinations + 6 boosters…

  6. Shani

    Is a 7 day quarantine still required?

  7. Dav

    עד ועד בכלל?.

    Once they are 12 they need vaccination ?

    • Achshell

      What if my child is turning 12 during the visit, does he need to be vaccinated? How can he leave Israel before his second dose assuming we get him the first dose while visiting?
      I’m so glad that we have such sensible and clear guidelines, issued by the most knowledgeable people who follow the science every step of the way and have all the common sense needed to balance public safety and risk assessment.

  8. Avi

    are 12 year olds also excluded?

  9. FA

    Is there a booster requirement for 12-18?

  10. JR

    This is great news! One step closer to making another booking!

  11. 4yourinfo

    How can I identify as a child?

  12. ephraim

    Just be prepared for what it cost to rent a car in Israel now !!! went last june for 10 days , cost 350 bucks. IMY”H , hopefully going for Purim. person quoted me 750 for same time period.

    Hatzlacha to all

  13. josef

    when will Delta realize whats going on and restore the 2nd flight per day that they canceled from JFK?

  14. n

    When you take a flight from NYC to israel does a child under 7 have to wear a mask?
    I see on israel health guidlines that under 7 doesnt have to wear a mask on a plane

    • Achshell

      I believe that the FAA requires all passengers on flights to and from the US to wear mask and save lives. Follow the political science!

    • Perel

      My children who are under 7 do not need to wear a mask on elal.

  15. Bk

    Question to all:

    I got vaccinated twice in Israel (over 180 days ago) I am currently living in NY with my wife and daughter who are israeli citizens… can we visit Israel without me getting a booster?

    Also, how can I get a vaccination card in NY based off my Israeli vaccines?

    Thank you to all that reply 🙂

    • Achshell

      I’m in a similar situation, I will ask my wife if she’ll agree to boost vax for this cause. They have you on record. Just add a boost if you’re so inclined.
      I wouldn’t do it myself. I can get in as a citizen. Luckily according to science, citizens don’t carry the virus

    • MaiaG

      “For New York State residents who were fully vaccinated outside of New York State, New Jersey or Vermont, your New York healthcare provider must input your vaccination information into the secure New York State and/or New York City immunization databases, and that provider must be administering the COVID-19 vaccine. Please note that when you attempt to retrieve your Excelsior Vaccination Pass from the Excelsior Pass Web Portal, you will need to enter the county where your New York healthcare provider is located, NOT the county where you received your COVID-19 vaccine.”
      So if you have a doctor in New York State who does Covid vaccinations, even if you didn’t get yours at their office, they can probably enter your information in New Yorks registry .
      Hope this helps.

  16. Sean

    Very unfortunate news – this will give anti vaxxers an excuse to remain selfishly unvaxxed

    • EJB

      Clearly Israel doesn’t think it matters. Guess they wont be welcome in your country 🙂

    • Moe

      very unfortunate news – this will give trolls an excuse to keep trolling

  17. Abe

    Does anybody know how soon do you have to take the second dose of vaccine before entry to Israel?

    • me

      Needs to be at least 14 days before entry

  18. Ylk

    Can a baby infant ( 6 months) travel to Israel with
    its vaccinated parents , prior to the March 1 date ?

    • OMG!

      Yes, at the moment children under 12 months are allowed to enter with vaccinated/recovered parents.

    • Achshell

      Absolutely not! As mentioned, the measures taken by the public health officials are very precise! Your baby can infect the whole Israeli population if you come a minute before March 1st. Please make sure that your flight arrives after 12:00 AM of March 1st. If you plan on cutting it close or if your flight arrives early, please remain on the airside of the terminal until midnight. Please be considerate and protect the public.

      • Lynn

        We are doing all this for your protection and have been all along! Just follow along people and don’t question the narrative.

  19. Kim

    Please note that in this article they use words like “reportedly” and “presumably,” (its very likely, but not known certainly at this time) and the last sentence says: “This post will be updated when the official guidelines are released.” It has not been posted by an official government website. Not trying to be negative (because I am dying for my family to visit!) but there is still missing, CONFIRMED information. Good luck and hope its good news!

  20. Israel Epstein

    From the Chaim V’Chessed website:

    As detailed extensively by Chaim V’Chessed, at the current time, only fully vaccinated tourists are permitted to enter Israel. This has created hardship for those with unvaccinated children seeking to visit Israel.

    Now, Interior Minister Ayelet Shaked has signaled that a change will, hopefully, be taking place in the near future. Shaked has apprised Knesset Members Yaakov Asher and Yitzchak Pindrus of Degel Hatorah that in the near future unvaccinated children up to age 12 will be permitted to enter Israel together with their fully vaccinated parents.

    At this time, no official ruling has been issued and exact details of this rule have not yet been decided. It is still unknown when it will go into effect. Furthermore, it is still unclear how much, if any, quarantine will be required of such unvaccinated children upon arrival in Israel.


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