Mask Confusion: Required At JFK, Optional At Newark. Required On El Al, Optional On US Carriers

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Yesterday, the Biden administration gave US airlines and airports the green light to drop mask requirements after a federal judge vacated the CDC mandate. The administration says they may appeal that decision, should the CDC determine that the mask mandate is still necessary. Given that the CDC just extended the mandate last week after asking for a month to deliberate on when to end the mandate, one would assume that ipso facto the CDC believes it to still be necessary to have a mask mandate, but assumptions are never a good idea when it comes to COVID policies.

US airlines weren’t required to, but all of them decided to immeditately drop their mask requirements.

While most US airlines have said that they will require masks to destinations that still require them, reports from passengers on US airlines’ international flights have been unanimous that masks are no longer required on any flights. That includes reports from American, Delta, and United flights between the US and Israel yesterday and today, despite Israel still having a mask requirement for flights to and from Israel.

On flights from foreign airports with a mask requirement, reports have been that passengers have been told they can remove their masks after boarding doors have been closed.

That’s not surprising given that airlines are allowing passengers who were banned from flying due to mask compliance to fly once again. With no way to enforce mask requirements, flight attendants have no intention of policing it and the vast majority of the flight crew and passengers have ditched their masks on US airlines’ domestic and international flights. A reader reports that a maskless flight attendant on a United flight from Newark to Tel Aviv tonight gave a resounding “NO” when asked if masks were required on the flight.

However, multiple readers have reported that El Al has strictly enforced mask policies on flights yesterday and today.

Among other foreign carriers, BA, KLM, and Virgin Atlantic are not enforcing mask requirements on most flights, while Air France, ITA, and Lufthansa are.

In addition to airline confusion, there’s airport confusion. NY controlled JFK and LaGuardia still require masks in the terminal, though NJ controlled Newark Liberty does not. Uber and Lyft in most of the country no longer have a mask requirement, but Uber, Lyft, taxis, and other public transportation in NY still have a mask requirement. But what’s the rule if you take an Uber from NYC to Newark or vice versa? Does it go by point of origin, destination, or after crossing state lines?

I asked El Al about their mask enforcement and they responded with this comment,

“EL AL flights to and from the US are governed by rules and regulations of the FAA and the Israeli government. At this time, the Israel Ministry of Health requires all passengers 6 years old and above to be masked during flight. When these regulations are updated EL AL will adjust to meet those current requirements.”

El Al previously required children 2 and above to mask on US flights, so this is a change from before. But for now, the airline is regulated by the Israeli Ministry of Health and are obliged to follow their guidance.

The airline says that they are lobbying for changes to be made, but for now, they will indeed be strictly enforcing mask requirements and abiding by Israeli law.

  • For those keeping score at home, that means:
    • You’ll need a mask at the airport when flying AA or Delta from JFK to Tel Aviv, but can remove the mask onboard.
    • If you’re flying United from Newark to Tel Aviv you won’t need a mask at the airport or on the flight.
    • If you’re flying El Al from JFK to Tel Aviv you’ll need a mask the whole time, but if you’re flying El Al from Newark to Tel Aviv you won’t need a mask at the airport but you will onboard.
    • All bets are off once you get into that Uber.

Of course in this wild west state of mask confusion, all of this is subject to change at any time, or even in middle of a flight.

May the odds be ever in your favor! Safe travels, good night, and good luck. And be sure to let us know what happens on your flight.

Will you change your travel plans based on airports or airlines enforcing or not enforcing mask requirements?


Older First
  1. BigIssy

    friend flew from Laguardia today. said 50/50 on the mask wearing. News is claiming at ORD you need to mask. have been told by another friend at it was 80/30 maskless

    • Dan

      Does that mean the overlapping 10% were wearing masks, but only halfway on their face? 😉

      • BigIssy

        Ha. they were wearing them on their chins!

    • Simmy

      I didn’t wear one yesterday in ORD and no one said a word to me. This was even before any airline made an official statement (3pm flight). Could be as everything started to drop they started to enforce it but I don’t know as I was already midflight when they made the official announcement.

    • Avi2

      As of last evening, City of Chicago and State of Illinois lifted mask requirements at MDW and ORD.

  2. 3rd grader

    “addition to airline confusion, there’s airport confusion. NY controlled JFK and LaGuardia still require masks in the terminal”

    Wow. So the science has changed yet again. According to our UNELECTED privileged white Karen woke Governor, Kathy Hochul, (and her sidekick Eric Adams) only in New York airports can one catch Covid and die, but not on airplanes or airports in any other State. Simply amazing.

    • Dan

      The bigger hypocrisy with it is that arenas and other venues in NY with zero social distancing have no mask requirements. Why should an airport be stricter than a basketball game or theater?

      • DoB

        Because people go to basketball games and theaters in order to go to basketball games and theaters, while people ride public transit systems (including airplanes) for all sorts of nondiscretionary reasons, like going to work and going to the doctor.

        Anybody wanting to avoid close contact with unmasked people can easily avoid optional activities like basketball games and theaters. They probably can’t (or at least shouldn’t) stop going to work or stop going to the doctor.

        • Dan

          Given that all US airlines have removed their mask requirements, does an airport rule help those people?

          • DoB

            It’s not an airport rule. It’s a public transit rule. An airport just happens to be a form of public transit.

            But, yes, in fact, it does help those people, even if not as much as a mandate on board the flight would also help them. Each minute of exposure adds to the risk. Better for them to be exposed on the flight only than on the flight and also in the airport. And you yourself named four airlines that still require masks!

          • Dan

            1. It is an airport rule in that airports can easily be excluded given the lapse of the federal mandate.
            2. Those airlines don’t fly to LaGuardia.
            3. Seems odd to me to require it in an airport where you can usually socially distance and then not when people go onto an airplane where you can’t socially distance, but like all COVID policies, they don’t always make perfect sense…

          • DoB

            1. The New York State policy applies to all transit facilities in the state. That happens to include airports.

            2. But they fly to JFK, which is also in New York State. And Air Canada (not in your list), which requires masks, flies to LGA.

            3. You’re saying this as if there were a single coherent policy to require masks in the airport but not on the airplane. In fact, there were two distinct policies – a federal policy to require masks on airplanes and in airports, and a state policy to require masks in transit facilities (which happen to include airports). Then the federal policy fell away, but not the state policy, so masks are no longer required on airplanes but are still required in transit facilities in New York. Nobody made the conscious decision to require masks in airports but not on airplanes – it’s an accident of which mandate was dropped and which was retained.

          • NoMandateNeeded

            It was an asinine thing to have a mandate to begin with. If people want to wear a mask or whatever protective gear they choose, have at it. No need to force everyone to do so.

            And like Dan mentions a lot of the policies dont make sense, they’re there for show and to give an illusion of something being done.

            I’m currently in Florida which got rid of the bs mandates a long time ago, but I still see people wearing masks in all types of settings – I say to each their own.

            It’s like someone I saw a couple months ago at a restaurant, with outdoor seating. They had their mask on until they sat down and then they took it off, outside – before they even started to order or get any drinks. It’s just irrational behavior, then again you do you is what I say and if that clothe makes you feel better then so be it…

      • Eli

        I was one time at a baseball game that nobody died.
        Can you say the same about flying? Were you ever on a flight with no fatalities???
        And don’t get me started about schools! Those are just sooooo dangerous!!!
        Some people just don’t realize that there is a raging pandemic out there…

        • DoB

          I suggest you look up Long COVID. The immediate impacts are small potatoes compared to what it can cause long-term.

        • Shmooger

          @Eli, were you ever by a baseball game where someone removed their shoes?
          Well, I was on many flights where people removed their shoes. So the exposure is much higher on airplanes you see. The reason we wear masks in airports is to protect us fro the smell of all those fast food shops.

        • Steve

          Yup, pretty every flight I ever took. That’s why off boarding takes so long, they take the dead off first so people shouldn’t see and be too scared of flying.
          It’s all about the money.
          Don’t even talk about schools, my kids are dearly afraid of going. They haven’t socialized with anyone in over 2 years. Home schooling is the only way to go.

      • thewiz23

        ah dan you should know the answer already “science”!

      • Dan

        I don’t find that surprising, but I’d love to hear a cogent explanation for why masking is required in NY airports and not arenas and the like.

        • DoB

          See my other reply. Although you may be focused mostly on flights, far more people ride local transit systems to make essential trips, such as commutes to work. (Yesterday, the TSA was showing 2,288,902 travelers at checkpoints, while the New York City subway alone had 2,641,960 paid fares.)

          Of course, New York residents rely much more heavily on public transit for essential trips than residents of any of the other 49 states, so it’s that much more important in New York to make sure that public transit is still accessible to everyone who needs it, even the risk-averse.

          An airport is an example of a public transit facility. The same policy applies at an airport as at a subway station.

          Aside from the people who work there, nobody needs to go to an arena.

          • Dan

            In that case, no reason why NYC can’t limit the rule to subways and taxis at this point.

            Also, why ignore those that work at arenas any more than those who have to fly for non-discretionary reasons? Just seems like an arbitrary distinction to me.

          • DoB

            It’s a state requirement, not a city requirement: “After careful review and consideration of CDC recommendations for face coverings/masks on public transportation conveyances and at transportation hubs, all persons, two years of age and older and able to medically tolerate a face covering/mask, regardless of vaccination status, shall wear an appropriate face covering/mask while in indoor areas of conveyances or while indoors at transportation hubs, in accordance with applicable CDC exceptions, until this determination is modified or rescinded.”

            I don’t see a compelling reason to shoehorn in exceptions. A transportation hub is a transportation hub. And at the end of the day, a mask is just a mask – it really isn’t a big deal to wear one for two hours in the airport.

            I agree that more attention should be placed on keeping workplaces safe, but that’s not an issue only for arenas. My employer doesn’t require masking in the office, either, but some do, and others may find other ways to accommodate the risk-averse. It’s hard to make that sort of arrangement on a bus.

          • Dan

            Big deal for me? No.
            Big deal for my 2 and 4 year old? Yes.

          • DoB

            Well, I do thank you for saying it’s not a big deal for you, when so many others (including many of your followers) act like your 2 and 4 year olds.

          • 4yourinfo

            Who exactly is the child? you complaining and making a fuss that everyone should follow what you want? or the one not listening? Do you blindly listen to your 4 year old whether it makes sense sense or not? Let me explain to you, just because you want someone else to do something doesn’t mean they should listen – Just because it’s no “big deal” Yes, it is possible to live your life a pushover cause everything in life is essentially no “big deal” Banning shopping bags is “no big deal” pretty much all the democrat ridiculous bans are all no big deals. But, that is not how I want to run my life ok.

          • thewiz23

            please dont forget about the plastic straws killing all the whales

          • thewiz23

            are you just trolling us? come on seriously at this point just give it up. n95 works wear that or stay home.

        • Shmooger

          That’s where science and physics comes into the picture. {L}=\frac{1}{2}mv^2-mgz should answer everything you need to know about this topic

          • Shmooger fan

            Shmooger, your comments are HILARIOUS!
            Keep’em coming…

          • moe8555

            Literally LOL thanks for the laugh!!!

          • Wonderingyid


          • Tam

            Can someone explain?

    • Steve

      What if an entertainer was flying? Do they need to be vaccinated now?
      Bunch of clowns.

    • Jeff

      Flew MSN-JFK yesterday, no masks were required in terminal’s or on board

  3. Chaim m

    Just flew from LGA and the TSA agent we got asked us to put our masks on. Apparently, not everyone got the memo that it’s not required anymore. Though about half the people were unmasked and aside from that one agent no one said boo.

    • Dan

      Interesting that the TSA asked you to do that when they were instructed not to enforce that.

      I’d assume the Port Authority should be the ones to enforce it as it’s their rule. No surprise to see that enforcement is all over the place.

      • Dan

        But the TSA mask mandate has been removed. I don’t think it’s the TSA’s place to be enforcing state or city rules.

        • yelped

          They’re not trained enough to know what their own jobs are, they definitely are not trained enough to know what their jobs aren’t.

        • DoB

          Chaim m implied that he believed that masks were no longer required at LGA. I corrected him – they are still required.

          • 3rd grader

            Why must I still be forced to take my shoes and belts off every time I pass thru the TSA checkpoint? based on your logic, we should be made to do the same every time we get on a City bus or train. Every time we enter a grocery store or library. Richard Reid is locked up in prison for life. Did you ever meet him?

    • YM

      @Chaim m I would have said to the the TSA agent “Sir I only want to make sure you don’t make a fool out of yourself to anyone that decides to make an issue out of what you just told me, so I’m just going to politely show you that you’ve actually got it all wrong – read here to see that you actually should not be enforcing masks. Again I’m only mentionimg this purely out of care and concern for you..”

      Or, “ooh, rebelling against Mr President are we…?”

  4. The Bidener Rebbe

    I just took off from JFK. No masks in the airport. Lots of them voluntarily on the plane now

    • A chossid

      Same. Was in JetBlue terminal 5, I’d say 75% had masks but no one said anything to us.

      Flight attendants were excited to announce you don’t need a mask

  5. Lipa

    We flew LGA (terminal A) today. No masks were required.

  6. Realshlomo

    Flight newark to FLL
    No masks required 50/50 wearing.

  7. Moish P

    Uber sent an email tha t masks are now optional, and after flying today LGA to ORD, not too many people in LGA were wearing masks

    • Dan

      They have since clarified that masks will still be required where local laws require them.
      In the end, it’s going to be up to you and your driver to negotiate.

      • Texas Totty

        That’s what I’ve been doing until now. I get into the Uber and ask “you want me to wear a mask?” If he says no I tell him he doesn’t need one either. My friend, however, is banned from Uber bec his mask didn’t cover his nose all the way and the driver snitched without warning.

        • Wonderingyid

          Lol, make a new Uber account.

  8. Moish P

    Same goes for ORD, very few mask wearers there.

  9. elikip

    Was in LGA today, in terminals B and D – no apparent enforcement. I interacted with several agents (Jetblue and Delta counters +) and wasn’t asked to wear a mask at any point. (Most airport personnel wore masks, but a number of them didn’t, and some had them down on the chin) I did not actually take a flight, so can’t comment beyond the pre-security experience.

  10. Fascinated

    Since the updated rules I haven’t seen anyone in Boro Park wearing a mask. It would seem that parts of NY are in fact following the updated guidelines.

  11. Shmulit

    Is ANA Syd-Hnd-Jfk requiring/enforcing masks?

  12. Elikay

    Was in EWR today, lots of people wearing masks. Over 50%. But zero enforcement. Interesting how many people are still in the mask mentality.

  13. Friedman

    I Didn’t wear a mask in jfk today along with probably 10% of the people there including staff didn’t either and no one said a word to me

  14. LSD :-)

    I flew to Israel from JFK on Virgin Atlantic before pesach. From LHR to TLV most of the people seemed to be wearing them except for the family sitting in front of us. The only mention of masks came directly from the pilot and was not enforced by the fa.
    I’m not holding my breath for the way home, I will be wearing my mask. Plenty of people I know said corona wasn’t any fun and I am still trying not to catch it. Tg I have been successful so far.

    • samdaman

      Why don’t you stay home than?

      • Mask up or not, it\'s your choice

        Exactly. Because if someone thinks a mask is going to stop them from getting the flu, then there’s no hope. Also how does one know they didn’t just have an asymptomatic case?

        Put a mask on if you want and if you don’t want, then dont put one on. I know someone that was (in their mind) “careful” to mask up and was thrice vaxxed and still got Delta (or maybe was omicron) and ya know what they survived with the other 99%+ people who got it…I had it twice (2nd time was nothing really, just an annoying headache).

        That said, mask up if you want, it’s your choice and no one will stop you – just don’t push it on others.

    • joel

      doubt its the mask that has been saving you.

    • Steve

      Hope you fit tested that n95 your wearing.

  15. Y R

    In LAX and it’s chill in here..prob 80% of ppl not wearing masks and the last 20% are big time N95ers

  16. Y R

    You can’t make this up. On JetBlue, they announce masks are not required but please respect if those around you would like to wear a mask. Just remember, is you are wearing a mask, make sure it covers your nose and mouth… WHAAAA

    • thewiz23

      thats what msnbc recommends too.

  17. chana

    I usually fly Elal, but will switch to united and delta if Elal doesn’t drop the mandate soon

    • Israel

      Too bad for them.
      This case is not up to them but most ppl will choose other carriers

      • thewiz23

        please its a rule they can just be cool about it and let people do what they want and not “strictly enforce ” it. honestly i would love to see this play out to see if people choose to take other ailrines for this reason.

  18. May we never fall for the BS again

    Because it’s frightening how people just complied without thinking for themselves

  19. Gebu

    Flew out of JFK this morning. I’d say about 70/30 masks/no masks

    • Y R

      Flew into JFK 70/30 No masks lol

  20. Qsman

    I traveled yesterday in my Subaru from home in Baltimore County to shul over the line in Baltimore City and picked up some people on the way on the county side. They were not wearing masks, although I could see the little string loops sticking out of their pocket. When I crossed into Baltimore City I was not stopped, however there was no parking by the shul. I dropped my passengers at the Departures (same as Arrivals, in the middle of the street), and went somewhere else where I could find a seat and parking nearby.

  21. Avi2

    What I think people need to understand is that in the good old U. S. of A. we have dual sovereignties between the States and Federal Governments and then there is local control as well. A State or local in most situations can be more restrictive than the Federal Government (unless it infringes on a Federal right or statute). So the Feds may have dropped the Federal mandate but the States and local governments may have not. Also, private companies can do whatever they want if there is no regulation involved.

  22. Seltzer

    I was traveling thru Penn station in Manhattan yesterday and today. No masks on the Amtrak trains and no signs for them. In Penn station it was about 50-50. In one Manhattan Uber the driver wasn’t wearing a mask and the other driver was and asked me to put it on but didn’t seem to care that it was very quickly below my nose and then below my chin

  23. r

    Is thurkish to israel requiring masks?

  24. jason green

    wait! who will enforce mask mandate in the airport? until now the airline banned you on board so it was a deterrent. But in the airport airline has no authority. wil the TSA arrest me for not wearing a mask?

    • thewiz23

      tsa ended the mandate so no. and honestly lots of people werent wearing masks walking through the AIRPORT this whole time. in the lounges mostly people didnt wear it.

  25. Tavster

    “El Al previously required children 2 and above to mask on US flights” this has never been implemented as far as my personal experience goes..

    • FBR

      In my experience it was and in business class to boot! Was super annoying.

  26. HelpMe

    Justice Dept. to appeal order voiding travel mask mandate.

  27. Steve

    My question is, why are/were airlines so gung-ho about enforcing these ridiculous requirements.
    I get it, they need to officially comply, but there was no reason to be so anal about it. The proof is that as soon as it was lifted they very quickly changed their ways,

    • HelpMe

      It is no different than seatbelts or smoking. Don’t blame the airlines. They should enforce all rules no matter if they agree with them or not.

  28. Melech

    ElAl’s statement sounds like just trying to avoid the question. It really depends on the flight crew I think.

  29. isaac

    it was optional @ JFK this morning

    • Danfan

      Ya, was told it’s optional at JFK as well this morning.

  30. Morris

    Did anyone fly El Al recently? Were they being strict on enforcing masks?

  31. A Tzaddik

    I flew from Switzerland to JFK terminal 1 on April 26 and about 70-80% were not wearing masks including a few immigration officers at the passport control and other airport employees


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