Check To See If You’re Targeted For $5 Off $15 On eBay With AMEX Offers

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Check your AMEX cards to see if you are targeted to get $5 Off $15 on by 12/31.

To see if you have AMEX offers in your account just login to your AMEX account, click on any of your cards to go the activity page, click on “AMEX Offers For You,” and save the offer to your account.

Note that there is a limit of 100 available AMEX Offers on a card at given time. If you have 100 offers, add AMEX Offers to your card and refresh the screen and you will get more offers to choose from!

Always check all primary and secondary card offers, as secondary cards will often have offers that the primary card does not.

Offers can fill up at any time, so be sure to save them to your account now!

Related post: 2 Pack Of Nest Programmable Smart Wi-Fi Thermostat For $169 Shipped From Google Via eBay Deals!

Are you targeted for this offer?


Older First
  1. Rochel Schloss

    Got it. There is also an Amazon offer.

  2. GeeEmm

    Finally something useful. I always have the worst, irrelevant offers. Thank you, JJ and Dan.


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