Targeted AMEX Offers: Save On Marriott, Dell, Fanatics, Shutterfly, And More!

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DansDeals will receive compensation if you are approved for a credit card via a link in this post. Terms apply to American Express benefits and offers, visit to learn more.

To see if you have AMEX offers in your account just login to your AMEX account, click on any of your cards to go the activity page, click on “AMEX Offers For You,” and save the offer to your account.

Note that there normally is a limit of 100 available AMEX Offers on a card at given time. If you have 100 offers, add AMEX Offers to your card and refresh the screen and you will get more offers to choose from!

However you can try using this link, which should display more than 100 offers.

Always check all primary and secondary card offers, as secondary cards will often have offers that the primary card does not. Create a separate login for secondary card offers.

Offers can fill up at any time, so be sure to save them to your account today!

Most offers allow you to make multiple purchases to reach the threshold, but always check the offer for the full terms.

Sample targeted offers (Read offer terms for restrictions!):

Find AMEX Offers on cards like:

Find other great targeted offers in your account? Hit the comments!


Older First
  1. Mordy13

    I got this offer on the Marriott card “$50 off $250 at Marriott in the US, Canada, Mexico, and the Caribbean through 3/31” . That benefit should stack well with the 6x on for All Marriott Stays using that card .

    I also got the previous offer of $50 off $200 on the Marriott card as well which has already posted .

  2. Curious

    Is the 200 off 800 @ dell stackable with 200 dell credit with business platinum

  3. Levinite

    That link to display all offers is not working.

  4. Nathan

    I assume non-Dell GCs are OK for the 200 off 800? They work for the Platinum credit. I’m thinking 800 in XBOX GC to spend at Microsoft store at my convenience.

  5. Mordy13

    “Spend $200 or more, get 1,000 Membership Rewards® points” . EXPIRES 05/31/2022 .

    I got the offer on the Amex Platinum personal .


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