UK Will Drop COVID Travel Measures, British Airways And Virgin Atlantic Will Drop In-Flight Mask Requirements, But Not On US Flights

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Despite a recent surge in COVID cases over the past 2 weeks, the UK is going ahead and dropping all COVID travel measures starting on Friday:


Starting this Wednesday, airports in the UK including London Heathrow, and rail statons will drop their mask requirements.

Also on Wednesday, British Airways and Virgin Atlantic will drop their in-flight mask requirements. However the mask requirements will remain in place for the entire duration of flights to and from the US due to the US mask mandate, which was recently extended through at least April 18th.

Do you think the UK mask restrictions are gone for good?


Older First
  1. paron

    Won’t be long until new restrictions start because of the “Carbon global warming” crisis.

    • eli

      also masks helps reducing carbon emissions

      • YoniPDX

        CDC’s new mask recommendation:

        Wearing a mask while fueling your vehicle—–to cover your eyes

  2. Abraham

    What about to and from Canada?

    • Greg

      Canada isn’t the US…check the requirements on the relevant official sources

  3. Moe

    Yes. They are gone for good! People have finally woken up to the new world which includes Corona! Welcome back to real life world!

  4. reb yid

    A silver lining to the cloud of connecting flights.

  5. Lea

    Unvaccinated allowed and no testing?

  6. Max

    Will a test still be required when traveling from UK to the states?

    • Dan

      Yes, that has nothing to do with the UK.

  7. Joe

    So my flight from Israel to NY on VA I won’t need a mask on the first flight but I will on the second?

    • Plandemic

      Just goes to prove how scientific this all is….

  8. Binyamingavriel

    I understand having to wear masks when coming to the US, as well as on leaving from here (well, I don’t understand it, but for some reason it’s still the rule). But why not allow people to take them off once they’ve left US airspace, if the arrival location doesn’t require them?

    • bigissy

      cuz I believe the law follows where the plane departs. not sure if international law ever takes effect on a plane

    • Dan\'s the man

      It’s going away in the US in 4 weeks also. Remember midterm elections are this November!

    • Scratching my head

      Because according to the logic of Walensky/Fauci one can ONLY catch Covid and die on an American airline.

  9. SinoSoul

    Unbelievable. Not going to UK anytime soon, then. Boris really is UK’s own clown-in-chief.

    • SinoSoul

      US for UK
      Biden for Boris

  10. Just because

    Because then they will have to get another “ding” light that tells you can walk about the cabin without a mask. And that means yet even smaller seats

  11. Uncle Runkle

    Quite embarrassing for the U.S. We have a senile president and idiotic mask requirements, but hey, we defeated Trump.

  12. YoniPDX

    On a side note – now is a good time for those paid in USD to visit as the dollar is strong ATM (also strong against most global currency – but only Mexico has been more Travel friendly to Americans).

    The dollar is as go as strong as some of the periods during Brexit.

    We are have an 11 day trip in London booked for the end of this month.

    I do think travel could be real interesting in the future esp to the EU (fuel prices, food prices, war at the EU’s front door, refugee crisis).

  13. Fjdo

    This is music to my ears! Here’s to hoping the US and the rest of the world follow!

  14. R

    C’mon CDC — time to end the testing requirement for US citizens!


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