[More Guidelines Published, Stricter Rules For Non-Vaccinated Citizens] The US Will Lift Air And Land Entry Restrictions On Vaccinated Foreign Nationals!

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Update, 10/25: Guidelines have been published that starting November 8th, all US citizens who are not vaccinated will need a negative COVID test within 1 day of their flight to the US. Vaccinated travelers will still be allowed to get a negative test within 3 days for entry for all US citizens. 

Foreign nationals under the age of 18 will not require a vaccine for entry.

Update, 10/15: Reuters is reporting that the new rules will go into effect on November 8th.

Update, 10/12: In addition to reopening air corridors, the US will reopen the land border for vaccinated Canadians in early November!

Originally posted on 9/20:

The US currently blocks most foreign nationals coming from China, Europe, Brazil, and more countries from entering.

The restriction will reportedly be dropped in early November for foreign nationals who have been fully vaccinated.

However all foreign nationals, entering from every country will need to prove that they are fully vaccinated in order to enter the US.

A negative COVID test from within 3 days will also be required.

Kids that are too young to be vaccinated will be able to travel with vaccinated parents.

It’s unclear how this will affect the land border closure with Canada, but hopefully that will reopen as well.

Will this news affect your travel plans?

HT: Josh B.


Older First
  1. ?

    This makes zero sense.

    They should be accepting antibodies and nothing else. Vaccinated people also spread the virus.

    • whYME

      Hold on, your saying there’s a covid-related regulation that makes no sense?
      I’m just shocked I tell you. Just shocked.

    • Anon

      Excuse me, sir. Are you disagreeing with the Covid-1984 cult?

    • SYM

      Vaccinated people have antibodies.

      • thewiz23

        yea but thers seem to fade shortly after the second shot, now the question is if the vax creates a T cell response that will continue there immunity..dr marty macarry from jon hopkins has stated it does.

    • Fred

      So your theory is that I have to contract a potentially life-threatening disease in order to be allowed to travel? Were you born stupid or was there a class?

      • Common sense

        Are you stupid? Or just selfish?
        Vaccinated people who never had the virus are capable of spreading the virus and should not be traveling.

        • Fred

          As are unvaccinated. As are breakthrough infections. You’re an idiot.

          • 4yourinfo

            Calm down everyone – We should ONLY be looking at antibodies from vaccinated and unvaccinated. Antibodies is what is stopping this virus from spreading. People’s antibodies are wanning faster than others from either the vaccine and from the virus. Hence, if the government would be honest they’d just look at antibody test – but they rather push the vaccine and get more people infected that way!

          • thewiz23

            t cell and b cells are the key here, antibodies are nice, but they do not last ….

          • Lynn

            Actually, hubby had covid last Dec and just had antibody test showing that he still has antibodies.

          • thewiz23

            thats great! but i meant long term. t cell and b cell memory can last for years maybe even a lifetime. again fauci said prob 2 years.

      • a

        Which is why we, vaccinated and people who have had COVID, should wear a mask in crowded places.

        You’re unlikely to become deathly ill, but we could spread the disease to others.

        • Clinical psychologist

          As one who refused to be vaxxed, I wear a mask to protect myself and others (in case I am walking around with the virus), but I don’t think that I can demand that others who did take the vaccine or do have antibodies must be wearing masks. I make a choice each day not to vax and I can’t make demands on others; they make their choice. I hope they stay safe.

          • Curious

            Drop the mask. Even if they get it from you (unlikely) it’d a 99.5% survival rate – like the flu

          • Dan

            Can we stop with the flu business? COVID is many, many times more deadly than the flu.

            It’s like the flu in that we need to deal with it and masks aren’t a viable long-term solution, but the silly comparison cheapens the argument.

          • thewiz23

            peoples argument is that with the vaccine it brings the covid death rate below the flu..and bidens former advisor has said with delta the reg masks are just useless..

          • Saul

            That’s probably why he’s a only a FORMER adviser, they need people to keep saying the same thing about masks:)

          • AsherO

            99.5% survival rate isn’t that good, would you risk getting a disease where 1/200 people die? The rate is likely closer to 99.9x, and skewing towards older people or those with serious health risks, but still not a risk I’d take.

          • duh

            Only that high because of amazing modern medicine. Of those 99.5% so many will have life-long major health problems because of covid. Not worth it. Just get vaccinated.

        • Curious

          Single or double masks? Forever?

    • Mendy

      Personal attacks are uncalled for.
      Dan, perhaps remove them?

    • AsherO

      People with antibodies potentially spread the virus as well, what’s your point?


    What’s the current policy on unvaccinated Americans traveling back to the US.
    Any changes in the offing?

    • Fred

      Why should there be? Keep your lack of sense out of the country.

  3. Harley Kesselman

    What about illegal immigrants at the border? I bet they still can come in with no precautions like they do now.

    • Phil

      Yes. There can’t be rules regarding sobering that illegal. That would be a paradox.

  4. Anon

    Lol. Russian Novavax is just as valid it seems.

  5. Anon

    I can’t wait for all the foreign coronaviruses to arrive here and mix together to create a super variant. Is Omega variant taken? If not, that’s a cool name.

  6. and

    planning december holiday trip to carribean..what are chances PCR test to return to USA will be lifted by January 1, 2022?

    • Dan

      Close to nil.
      But a PCR isn’t required, an antigen/telehealth test is good enough.

    • K

      As Dan mentions – not going to happen, but this is a complete non-event.

      Most Caribbean resorts offer testing on premises and these places turn them within a day. You can also take a self test kit and do it via teleheatlh in your hotel room

  7. Mendy

    There’s also a new rule for unvaccinated Americans to get tested within 1 day

    • Lynn

      Did that go through? Does it start Nov 1st?

  8. Kinus

    Hashluchim is back on! (For vaccinated Shluchim)

  9. Yosef

    Big deal for our family. Been separated for two years from our family in the UK because of this ridiculous non-scientific ban. Great news bh!

  10. Al

    Will you need a Covid test to cross the border

    • Mindy

      You don’t need one now to enter US by land (just flying – which makes sense), whether vaccinated or not. Can’t see why they would ask for it now if vaccinated…

  11. Clinical psychologist

    What is the new news about tourist travel to Israel from the USA?

    • Dan

      Israel changes their mind 10 times a day. When there’s something official I’ll report it.

      • Sims

        I am picking up that even if I am 2x vaccinated with Pfizer after 6 months it will not help me get to Israel without quarantine requirements. Is that correct? I have canceled my trip to Israel 3x since covid began…

  12. Chaim

    Do canadians on a student visa need to be vaxxed when driving across the border?

  13. Jo israel

    Are non vaccinated American citizens living abroad allowed to enter the us?

    • Mindy

      Yes Americans can and could always enter the US at any time by land or by air.

  14. Shu

    Or just come across the Southern border…

    • thewiz23

      exactly! no maks or covid test needed! just a democrat vote!

  15. Hylie

    What I don’t get. It just doesn’t make sense that many of the people got the vax in the winter which means that the shot has worn off. So what does this all prove??? They just as good as the u vaccinated. And worse off then people who have had covid

  16. Alexander

    With regard to Israel, are vaccinated US citizens allowed in 11/1 or 11/21?

  17. MZ

    I would like to be informed also about restrictions for entering Israel. Any help?
    I am vaccinated, I live in US, have also Israeli passport. I am terrified that I’ll be forced to quarantine for the duration of my short visit.

  18. and

    they should add
    fully vaccinated Americans with 3rd booster, returning from outside USA, do not need covid test to return to usa… they should do this starting december 1, this would encourage 3rd booster shots and increase demand for holiday travel outside usa

    • 4yourinfo

      Makes sense as this is all about compliance not about safety etc cuz if it were about stopping the spread they would require those that were vaccinated to also get a test but it’s all about the vaccines so no test for all those that are still spreading the virus

      • NewbReader

        That’s a good point. They should just require everyone be tested and not discriminate between vaxed or unvaxed huh.

        I think we should all just quarantine again 🙂

  19. mendel london

    An important question here, what will be the rule for immediate family/spouses of US citizens, who are currently allowed entry into the US, will they need to be vaccinated from 11/08?

  20. Harry

    “All US citizens who are not vaccinated will need a negative COVID test within 1 day of entering the country.”

    Does this include children under 12?

  21. Lucas Figueroa

    What is “fully” vaccinated? I know in Spain they won’t give you the 2nd dose if you’ve had COVID e few weeks/months before as they consider you have enough antibodies.

  22. Reb1

    How can you fly motzei shabbos To the u.s. if you need to have a covid test from within a day?

  23. shmulies neighbor

    As a US citizen, I dont see how they can deny you entry…

    • Harry

      They can’t deny you but the airline has the right to refuse you boarding their plane. That’s how they circumvent it

    • questions

      The airline can deny you boarding. I think you can still come in by land

  24. some questions

    -will a negative test be required for unvaccinated people entering US by land? US citizen or not?
    -will the 1 day rule apply to those under 18, unvaccinated?
    -is a rapid test still ok?

  25. koibee

    Does that mean that if im american i will need a negative covid test before coming into usa from central america? meaning only with a reg pcr test not even a rapid test will help!!!

  26. Eddie

    I’m literally online right looking to purchase tickets for my birthday wife who’s a US Citizen to visit her parents in Europe. How do they expect US Citizens to take a PCR Test and get results with within 1 day of entry to the US? Does that make sense?

    • questions

      Up till now Canadians could fly in with a rapid test. Not clear if still letting a rapid. Rapid would work for one day.

  27. RBR

    Any foreigner or us citizen that is not vaccinated needs to have a negetive covid test(does not say pcr it could be antigen).
    By the way, I had covid after purim of 2020, it is now already over 18 months. Just took an antibody test and my levels were still very high.
    No reason for a covid shot!!!! I want someone in the CDC to review my records and see that antibodies from covid itself do last!

    • Brooklyner

      Same story with mu husband. Just took an antibody test, last time was May 2020 and he levels were still high.

      • FBR

        No its not. Read the page. There’s a link to buy a 2 or 3 pack instead.

  28. MBS

    So What a orthodox Jew will do if he have a flight back to USA on Sunday morning or MS?

  29. Sam

    What does one do if they received a vaccine in Israel? Can one obtain a us vaccine card somehow?

  30. Marky

    So a Canadian that lives in Canada is completely trapped if they aren’t vaccinated?

      • Marky

        If their children live in the USA are they still unable to come in by land?

  31. Michael

    How do they verify vaccination status?

    • thewiz23

      they just scan your rist.

  32. duh

    Vaccinated people have lower viral loads and are less able to spread covid. “Natural infection” antibodies fade quickly, spread far quicker and easier, and are more likely to die.

    • yossi

      science and data show the exact opposite of your false claim, Israeli daily published data shows consistently that the amount of second infections out of daily identified cases being one percent and lower, while the amount of infections in vaccinated people significantly higher.

  33. Dina

    However all foreign nationals, entering from every country will need to prove that they are fully vaccinated in order to enter the US
    —Except if you are an illegal alien. Then there are no requirements, no laws.

  34. mendel london

    An important question here, what will be the rule for immediate family/spouses of US citizens, who are currently exempt from the travel ban into the US, will they need to be vaccinated from 11/08?

    • Yosef

      It sounds like yes, you would need to. In general the new rules are stricter also on US citizens regarding testing. So while becoming more lenient for some, these rules are stricter for others.


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