Fund In Memory Of Shua Polonsky

Shua and his family
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Last week I wrote about the sudden passing of my friend, Shua Polonsky.

The family has started a fund to help support his wife, 2 children, and Iy”h their 3rd child on the way.

Please donate here to help the family. Donations in the USA and Australia are tax deductible.

From the family:

“As you may know, three short weeks ago Shua contracted a life-threatening condition and passed away on Thursday, 9 November.

During these 3 weeks, there was an outpour of love and an unimaginable effort made by thousands upon thousands of people around the world who rallied together, taking action in prayer, and acts of goodness and kindness to bring Shua to a full recovery. We were certain we would see a miracle from God. As his family, we want you to know that every single action and prayer supported us. We were privileged to have his life extended three weeks where the most important part happened – Unity Through Action. All of your efforts and actions provided an incredible amount of strength to Shua, his family, and the medical staff at NYU. He was fighting hard, and we were fighting with him. There are no words to describe how sad we are by this loss. However, we also believe that Shua accomplished his mission and purpose on this earth and we were blessed to have the gift of having him in our lives for 31 beautiful years. To bring comfort to his family and each of your special souls, we want to continue to live out Shua’s life mission — bringing more of God’s light into the world through connecting with people. Our continued actions will uplift Shua’s soul while bringing unity amongst us and ultimately together we are stronger.

Shua just completed his PhD from Long Island University three weeks prior to his passing and was excited to embark on the next stage of his professional life as a psychologist, to build and support his family as well as continue his passion of contributing to people’s lives. Shua was a loving husband to his wife Simi, an amazing father to his 2 beautiful daughters; Emanuella and Tsofia, with a third baby on the way, please God.

Shua had a special gift; he listened with an open heart and connected with all of humanity. Shua truly cared for everyone and their needs.

We thank you for all your love, actions and contributions to support the family during this difficult time.

The Funds from the campaign will go to ensure long-term financial stability for Simi and her kids, to be managed by a group of trusted professionals.

With Love,

Families Polonsky & Gestetner


Older First
  1. Taryag

    A real worthy cause!! B”H I am happy to see some true chesed on this site.

  2. Manny

    Dan – you’re a tzaddik. This alone makes me glad I get your emails.

  3. esti

    Thank you for inspiring us to give!

  4. Mark

    My heart breaks for Shua’s family; I’m the same age. But can we please have a PSA about the necessity of a term life insurance policy. B”H Shua has Dan as a friend, that was his insurance. But what about everyone else? Is Charidy going to keep running this type of special project?

    • Joe

      Well said. Maybe he did have life insurance, but if they’re doing this campaign then clearly it wasn’t a big enough policy. Anyone who reads this story should do two things
      1. Help out this family
      2. Help out your own family by making sure you have coverage and enough coverage.

  5. Yoni

    I think everyone who gained by saving money from this forum should contribute – Basic Gratitude!


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