Happy 5773!

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Wishing my readers a happy, healthy, and sweet Jewish new year!

As the traditional Jewish greeting goes, K’siva V’Chasima Tova, may you be inscribed in the book of life for a great new year!
And one filled with plenty of great deals of course 😀

I’m most appreciative of your readership, support, and for spreading the word-Thanks!


P.S. Posting may be sporadic throughout the Jewish holiday season, from tonight through October 9th.


Older First
  1. cbs

    Ksiva vachsima tova! To a new year of many more deals 🙂

  2. Canada

    Dan, wishing you and your family a ksivah v’chasimah tova! Thank you once again for all your great info.

  3. Shaul

    Wishing you a happy new year shana tova! May you have another year filled with miles, points and safe flights!

  4. yehudah

    thanx done and for next year can you get under 18 year olds started with credit cards with loads of free miles have gr8 year

  5. jj1000

    Kasiva vichasima tova! Thanks to you I have an amazing first 2 months of my year planned. Delta $140 rt to LA, then Jet Blue to saint martin for free, finishing off with Elal to Israel for just $353. Hopefully this year will follow suit. 🙂 Thanks for everything!!!

  6. Gman

    Have A Happy And Sweet Year!

    Shana Tova Umetuka

  7. Anonymous

    u 2 and Thanks for everything

  8. Maury

    May the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob richly bless you and all my Jewish brothers and sisters.

  9. Lively

    You run an excellent blog. Hope you have a great New Year!

  10. Michael

    May you and your family enjoy a very sweet 5773, and may the world be a better place because you have touched us all. SHANA TOVA!!!

  11. Shana tova

    May your zechusim of helping others help you to continue with this great zchus and may you and your family have a kesiva(gmar) chasima tova le’alter chaim tovim veshalom!!

  12. rots5

    @jj1100!!!! we miss u! 🙂

    gut yur to all! may everyone continue to only save more and more money with dans help! 🙂

  13. savta

    May you, your family, and the entire Klal Yisroel have a good, happy and healthy New Year, full of peace. Your article in the Yated was EXCELLENT!!!!!!

  14. Anonymous

    Ksiva V’chasima Tova – may you have the best of everything, happiness in every way, nachas from your family, and successful growth in ruchniyus and gashmiyus.

    May the zchus of helping so many people help you!

  15. english

    I wanted to wish you all the best in the coming year. I am looking to go to Israel this Sunday the 23rd September and stay until the 10th or the 11th of October what is the least expensive ticket that I can get without using an eastern european airline? I really need your help thank you. I need 5 tickets?

  16. Chani S.

    Fantastic El-Al article that Dan wrote in the Yated!
    Chaim, thanks for sharing.

  17. USA

    to Dan you saved the Jewish world tons of money in the זכות you should have the beast year that you could even think of.
    make money from all kind of places!!!!!!!!


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