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Please take the time to participate in this poll so that I can know why you come here and to help better tailor the site for what you want!
You may select multiple answers if applicable, but try to limit yourself to the main reasons why you come here.
The system is set to accept one vote per person, please do not look for ways to disproportionally represent yourself.

Which Deals Do You Primarily Come To This Site For?
Electronics Deals
Airfare Deals
Free Stuff
Credit Card Deals/Info
Pricing Mistakes
Cell Phone/Plan Deals
Flash Memory (SD Cards, Flash Drives, Etc.)
Airline Info/Mileage Tips (Elite Status, Bonus Miles, Etc.)
Clothing Deals
Just To Make Sure I Don’t Miss An Amazing Deal
I Only Come Here So I Can Keep Up With What My Friends Are Talking About!
General Advice
Other (Please Leave A Comment Specifying!)


Older First
  1. Anonymous

    Other: banking and investment ideas.

    It would be great if you start again posting where to get the freebies and $$$ foropening bank accountsaswellas where to fing\d the best interest rates today andworthyinvestments for peoplelike the readersofyourwonderful site, e.g. buchrim and yungerlite.

    Thanks for everything!

  2. me

    As a reason for voting other:
    Aside from the deals etc. i like to see what you have to say and how you say it… you can be pretty interesting lol.


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