Up For Grabs: Free Parking In Manhattan!

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Update, 1:10pm: Using random.org I picked 3 winners from the 129 entrants and they are:






















Which correspond to @HershGe, @yag219, and @belzagripas.
They have 1 hour to respond to their direct messages until their prize will go to someone else.
Thanks for playing!
Want to go out on the town tonight without taking the subway or paying $50 to park your car?

Log onto Twitter and tweet to @DansDeals with the hashtag #DansDealsPark in the message and you could win free parking for up to 24 hours valid at 126 locations in Manhattan through 09/30.

For example your tweet can be:
@DansDeals I’d love to win free parking tonight #DansDealsPark

Or tweet anything else you’d like, just be sure that @DansDeals and #DansDealsPark are in the tweet.

I’ll pick 3 winners randomly by 1pm and send them a direct message with instructions. Twitter will email you when you get a direct message.

Remember you need to be following @DansDeals on Twitter in order for me to be able to send you a direct message!


Older First
  1. jj1000

    “Or tweet anything else you’d like”

    I’d like a free trip around the world. 🙂

  2. m

    did you buy a groupon and are not using it? I did too. What happens if I dont use it – does it just go bad?

  3. reuvenhunt

    @m: Can’t you get the purchase (but not redemption) value back?

  4. Booky

    I have 2 free parking in mannhatan to sell for $16 each valid thru sep. 30 anyone interesting in buying it please contact me kehos2@gmail.com

  5. Shalom

    Lol that’s like the least random sequence, it’s just thirds almost, very close to 33/66/100. Wonder what their algorithm is.

  6. Booky

    @reuvenhunt: the value of the coupon never expires let’s say you paid $16 you have $16 towards parking

  7. Shalom

    Hm interesting..apparently they are truly random. Guess the universe was feeling orderly today.

  8. jj1000

    @Shalom: You do realize that random means it will have order too right? If it was entries 1,2,3 that would also be random and bound to happen eventually…


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