How To Use @ Replies In Comments.

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Want to respond to a specific comment? It can be difficult to know who you’re responding to in a post with a lot of comments.  But it’s simple with our built-in @ replies.

You just hover over the comment that you want to respond to and “reply” will show up at the bottom right hand corner of the comment.  Click on “reply” and it will take you back to the comment box where you can post your reply.

When someone then reads your comment they can just click on the @soandso in your comment and it will automatically take them right back up to the comment that you are replying to!

Go ahead and make a test comment to try it out on this post-It’s easy!

For an even better discussion system be sure to check out where you can find and participate in full in-depth discussions about miles, trip planning, deals, technology, or any other topic on the planet!


Older First
  1. Jmay

    Hi, this first time I visit your blog and I’ve been invited to leave a comment 🙂


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