Update: This webinar is now live here!
On February 21st at 12pm ET the OU will be hosting a Webinar about OU Kosher’s current certification work in the UAE, Bahrain, And Morocco.
Register via this link to join the event!
Speakers include:
- Dan
- Rabbi Yissochor Dov Krakowski, Director OU Kosher Israel & Middle East
- Rabbi Shneor Revach, Director OU Kosher Morocco and Tunisia
- Rabbi Eli Eleff, Managing Director, OU Kosher Community Relations
Have specific questions you’d like covered? Post a comment below! Questions will also be taken during the webinar.
Based on the participation in this event, we will be able to expand this to other regions of the world.
Do these countries have anything cholov yisroel? Pas Yisroel? Meats in grocery stores?
Morocco and mainly in Casablanca have it all but cholov israel. Although cold cuts is not really a Moroccan specialty.
Tunisia only at the exceptional island of Djerba but again no cholov israel. Remember real sefaradim are not milchig oriented.
Other countries are too recently open to have been thoroughly reviewed hence the webinar
yashan status?
beit yosef meat?
Registered. Thank you.
P.S. Is selling points kosher…?
Is Rabbi Eli Eleff related to the DD fam? 🙂
Cholov Stam in these locations….
How reliable are the new ‘Kosher Hotels’?
As a former mashgiach I no of the many issues that crop up in Pesach Hotels how do you verify the level of kashrus and who is REALLY responsible for what goes on in the kitchen from the restaurants to outside kosher caterers to in house kosher hotel meal service arrangements. This is a minefield and not too many are aware of the issues going on.
pity it’s not 1 – 1:30 so more people can tune in during lunch break.
Will there be a replay?
Its on a Sunday.
I thougt I saw Jan 21st
Feb 21
Maybe we can get some kosher hotels in tel aviv too
Why bother? Nobody is allowed to visit Israel.
Going to Graves of famous rabbis in Morocco sone of them far in the desert what are the options of kosher and minionim
Dan maybe you can post a link for the recording of the event for those who won’t be able to attend but are still interested
Any Kosher Horizons tours planned for these locations?
Will it be possible to listen to it afterwards?
Will there be any #superSecrets ?
I know there’s a local Chabad Shliach who does most of the kashrut for Dubai. Why don’t you have him come on the webinar?
I’ve reached out to him in the past about putting together something like this.
Does r’moshes hater on cholev stam apply in these countries (think this is a must toppic)
Can’t wait to tune in!
Just wondering how one fan get kosher meat imported into these countries
I registered but can’t figure out how to get on to the webinar. I never got any link to join.
Link above.
…ששש… די רבי רעדט
Dan at the microphone
Dead 😉
Any E&S Tours upcoming to these locations? I saw something about a big Dubai Kosher Tour with Rabbi Mansour shlita’
Is there a recording or video that we can watch even if we weren’t there
They did say that it will be available on the ou website and on dansdeals…