Vacation Notice

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Originally posted on 9/23:

The Jewish holiday of Sukkos begins tonight. There won’t be any site updates or comments published until the intermediate days begin on Tuesday evening and posting will be sporadic until the end of Shemini Atzeres/Simchas Torah on October 2nd.

If you are flying via JFK on Wednesday or Thursday you can even get a bite to eat or shake their Lulav and Esrog at the Sukkah located at JFK Terminal 4 on the east side of the arrivals level!

When I posted a vacation notice over Rosh Hashana, a reader emailed me saying,


Not only am I not observant I am not even Jewish.

I have to tell you I have known many observant people during my life. Only since I have been reading your blog have I actually appreciated the sacrifices made by truly observant people.

More power to you.

No matter what the power that be is, he or she, has to appreciate everyone’s faith and those who truly take their faith to heart.

Thank you for enlightening me about your faith and travel ideas.

I always love getting a kind email, but I don’t view observant life as a sacrifice at all, though I can see how it might look that way from the outside. Every aspect of it is ultimately rewarding.

These holidays, which are spent far away from the constant noise and distractions from devices that were ostensibly designed to make our lives easier, are the most enjoyable of all. It’s good quality family time that simply doesn’t exist anywhere else on this planet. It’s a forced disconnect period and it’s wonderful.

For my non-Jewish readers, take a day or 2 and turn off your devices and focus on spending quality time with your family without the distractions of your tech devices. You might just make a weekly tradition like I do 😉

For my Jewish readers, enjoy the holiday!



Older First
  1. Someone

    Will we see you at the achdus hakafah?

  2. Eli

    Heart warming kiddush hashem. Chag Sameach!


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