[Incredible! Miles Now Posted On AA.com!] SMOKING HOT! Targeted American SimplyMiles Offers: Earn Up To 240 Miles Per Dollar Spent Or Donated!

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Update 12/30: The miles have posted to AA.com!

As expected, they are backdated to the date of the original purchase or donation.

How many miles did you earn? Congrats to everyone who got in on this promo and kudos to AA, SimplyMiles, and Mastercard for honoring it for the whole time that the 5x banner was up!

Now the only question is where to go?

Update 12/29: The miles are back on the SimplyMiles site, you can login there to see your total.

Readers who donated or made purchases on 12/14 before the cutoff report that they can now see their 5x bonus miles!

Update 12/27: The miles have been removed from the SimplyMiles site, likely to correct the cutoff time for the 5x promo.

Update 12/27: The bonus miles have now posted on the SimplyMiles site, you can login there to see your total. I’d expect them to post to AA.com in the coming days.


HT: Robert T.

Update 12/17 at 4:20pm ETAmerican tells me that everyone who made purchases via SimplyMiles by 11am ET on 12/14 will receive the promotion as advertised. The promotion banner was removed after that point. Congrats to everyone who got in on this truly incredible deal!

Update 12/14 at 6pm ETSimplyMiles now says the promotion has ended, but they no longer say when it ended:

Update 12/14 at 3pm ET: Gary Leff reports that American tells him, “The SimplyMiles 5X promotion has reached its cap due to an overwhelming customer response. We are in discussions with Mastercard to ensure our customers receive all the promotional miles offered.”

Stay tuned…

Update 12/14 at 2:45pm ET: The banner stating the 12AM on 12/13 cutoff has now been removed. 🤡🤡🤡🤡

Update 12/14 at 2:20pm ET: There is now a poorly worded message saying that purchases made after 12AM on 12/13 won’t count. It’s unclear if they mean after 12AM on 12/13 or 12/14 based on that hastily added language.

Either way, it’s dirty pool to backdate an end time for the promo.

I have screenshots from 11:50PM ET last night with the 5x offer banner promoting the offer. If you have screenshots from today, please post a comment below. [Update: A reader has shared a screenshot taken today at 7:31AM ET with me].

Stay tuned and buckle your seatbelts for a fight, folks. Developing…

Update 12/14 at 12PM ET: The SimplyMiles site is crawling today, but after logging into my account and my wife’s account, I no longer see the 5x multiplier promotion. I will reach out to American for confirmation on the current status of this offer. Congrats to everyone who took advantage while it was live and here’s hoping that it’s honored as advertised and promised!

Update 12/13 at 9PM ET: More accounts have been targeted for additional offers, including the lucrative offer to earn 40 base miles and 200 bonus per dollar for donations to Conservation International, for a total of an insane 240 miles per dollar donated!

My wife and I were not targeted when we registered yesterday, but are now targeted for this offer, so keep checking your account to see if you get targeted if you don’t see the offers yet!

Update 12/13 at 2:45PM ET: Gary Leff is now reporting that this offer is confirmed directly with AA and will be honored for the full value as explained in the post below!

Originally posted on 12/12 at 8:50PM ET:

With SimplyMiles you can earn American miles in stores and online by registering with a Mastercard and then activating targeted offers that you load onto your Mastercard. When you spend with your registered Mastercard you’ll earn miles. PIN based debit transactions don’t earn miles. Miles post to your AA account within 3-15 days.

Currently they are offering an additional quintuple bonus miles on top of the base mileage offers through 12/27. You should see this after logging in:

They leave themselves wriggle room not to pay out with the fine print, “*Hurry, this bonus is for a limited time and is subject to availability of bonus miles.”

Some accounts are targeted for 40 base miles per dollar for donations to Conservation International. With the 5x bonus, that will mean insane earnings of 240 miles per dollar. Effectively, you are buying AA miles for just 0.42 cents each with that offer, not counting any benefits of making the donation.

Other offers include 1,000 base miles, for a total of 6,000 miles for spending $30 at Winc.com. Effectively, you are buying AA miles for just 0.5 cents each with that offer even if you toss or donate the wine bottles they sell.

I value AA miles at 1.1-1.4 cents each, so those are incredible bargains!

Another targeted offer is earn 1,500 or 2,500 base miles, for a total of 9,000 or 15,000 miles for spending $200 at BestBuy.com or Best Buy stores. Effectively, you are buying AA miles for 1.33 or 2.2 cents each with that offer, without accounting for the items purchased. The terms and conditions on this offer say that it’s only valid once per member.

Be sure to read the fine print, as some offers have limits on the number of uses per account. And be sure to take lots of screenshots, as some of these offers do seem to goo to be true and will likely be pulled early.

While SimplyMiles will earn loyalty points towards elite status starting on 1/1/22, I wouldn’t expect any miles earned from this offer to post with a 2022 earn date.

Will you attempt to take AAdvantage of this offer? Post what offers you have!

HT: FM and Gary Leff


Older First
  1. Ah giten

    How do I know if the offer expires already?

    • Dan

      If you see it when you login it should be valid. Take screenshots.

  2. Dave

    The only 2 offers I see that are interesting are

    250 miles on a purchase of $45 or more (1,250 miles after spend)


    1500 miles on a purchase of $200 or more
    (9,000 miles after spend)

    • GUWonder

      Search the offers by typing one of the mentioned ones here.

      I didn’t have Winc show up at first but by searching by name, I was able to see and add the 1000 miles for $30 purchase offer.

  3. Dave

    It says it excludes GC for places like bestbuy…

    Do they actually send in merchant info with the purchase?

    • Chaya

      What you could do is purchase something with a gift receipt and then return it with the gift receipt for store credit and then you’ll have a ‘gift card’

    • Myi

      When you buy a product and a gc in the same purchase what happens? Do they make 2 separate transactions?

  4. Ah giten

    I actually have 2500 miles on a purchase of $200 at best buy.

    • Dan

      That should be 15,000 miles after the bonus.

    • al613

      2500 miles offer is only for AA cards. Read T&C

  5. Than you sir

    Are we sure this isn’t just 5 extra miles per dollar (then again this wouldn’t make sense for the flat rate miles promos)

    • Dan

      Yes, they have done this in the past and the bonus has been 5 times the offer listed.
      Then again, the offers were not as lucrative previously.

  6. Jacques Cukierkorn

    Sometimes things look too good to be true. Take the 40 miles per dollar donated to Conservation International. It should generate 240 miles. Plus the donation should be tax deductible. So we are talking about a net 300 miles per dollar!
    Could it be?

    • Baron

      T&C does say, “The receipt of miles may reduce the tax deductibility of your contribution, please seek a financial advisor for tax related questions.”

  7. @yungermanchik

    Does PPK count as a Mastercard for this?

  8. HelpMe

    You need to make an account? Can’t login with my AA credentials.

    • Dan

      You can join with your AA credentials and a Mastercard.

    • macworld

      having the same problem since morning. cant seem to create an account using AA creds and Mastercard.

  9. Question

    Will the bestbuy offer stack with 5pts on paypal on the freedom flex? Or paypal key?

  10. Gitta Newman

    How does this differ from my platinum advantage Mastercard?

  11. Josh

    Would a PayPal key count as a MasterCard

  12. MK

    Is the conservation international deal DEAD? I just logged in and to not see it.

  13. @yungermanchik

    Target: 465 miles on a purchase of $50 or more
    AT&T: 4600 miles on a purchase of $60 or more

  14. Josh

    I tried it because I don’t have a MasterCard and it worked

  15. Jacob

    Any mastercard is enough? It doesn’t have to be an Aadvantage card?

      • Mendel

        My Best Buy offer terms specifically mention Aadvantage Mastercard.

        • Dan

          Is that what you registered with?

          • Mendel

            No! But I added it in order to satisfy the terms.

  16. Jacob

    240 points per dollar means 24000 for every $100. Do I have it right? It sounds to good to be true.

    • Dan

      That’s right.
      Are you targeted for that offer?

      • Jacob


        So that means that for $1000 I can get 240000 points. Is there a cap on how much points you could get?

        • Dan


          Sadly, I don’t have that offer, but you can click on the offer and open the full offer terms to check if there’s a cap or not.
          I don’t believe there is a cap for it.

          • Mendel

            I have it and no cap is mentioned. What are the chances they will honor it?

          • Dan

            If you take screenshots of the active offer, I think the odds are good.
            I also think odds are good that this will be pulled early, but they should honor it until then.

          • Jacob

            Do you think that it pays to invest a few thousand dollars in this offer or I need to be afraid of a devaluation or something else?

          • R

            Do the math – even with a HUGE devaluation you’re still ahead.

            $1000 donation (after tax deduction costs you $500-$600)

            You get 240,000 miles. If it cost you $600 you paid $0.0025….while AA doesn’t offer a redemption of a penny per dollar like DL does, most of the time you can still achieve that conversion. That means you’re get a 4x your return

  17. mark n

    They will ADD 5x not MULTIPLY by 5x… let’s hear the first person who gets 1000 miles per dollar…. for all the complaints people make about other bloggers who killed deals you can get your life savings that there is no way this deal will be implemented as posted here. Zero chance.

    • Dan

      That’s not what happened last time.

      • mark n

        No one ever got 1000 points per dollar. It’s very misleading ….

        • Dan

          Huh? Who said anything about 1,000 per dollar?!?

      • username

        Was it on the blogs and DansDeals last time?

        • Dan

          There were no lucrative offers last time.

  18. MG

    Can the 1000 point offer at winc work more then once doesn’t state in T&C anything about how many times it can be used?

    • Dan

      Seems like no limit currently.

  19. R

    Any update if Bask Bank miles will count to status?!?

  20. Moshe

    It says on the bottom “
    *Hurry, this bonus is for a limited time and is subject to availability of bonus miles.”. How will I know if bonus points are still available?

  21. GP

    Does the shipping charge count towards the Winc $30 threshold?

    • MD

      I think so, but I haven’t been able to figure out how to get an order close to $30. Seems like there’s a three bottle minimum, so the best I can get is $54 or so (three bottles + shipping).

      • yair

        $20 discount for new members, so i got it down to $34.

  22. moe8555

    I’m so tempted to drop $4K and get nearly 1 million miles, but also quite terrified… What are the odds of this messing up? Is this a single-use offer like the other merchants, or can I do a small test run and donate more later?

    • Az t

      Can you buy some for me ?will send you my cc

  23. Baron

    Is there a limit to how many miles you can get via this promotion? Can I literally donate $4,167 and get over a million miles??? I don’t like the idea of buying miles in advance in case of devaluations, but – it’s really hard to see how AA could devalue so greatly as to not make this worth it.

    • Moshe

      Anyway to confirm if it will work?

  24. Eli

    Any data if shipping and fees are included? I have a teleflora offer that I’m trying to maximize, but fees are $18.99

    • JT

      Doesn’t appear so. Per T&C:

      This offer applies to product values of $50.00 or more. American Airlines AAdvantage bonus mile offer good through 12/31/2021. Arrangement prices do not include service fee or tax.

      • Abey

        Is this for teleflora only or for all deals?

  25. David

    I wonder if tax counts toward the minimum spend … I’m looking at something 199.99 at BestBuy

    • Yossi

      How would they know if you paid Tax?

      • David

        Supposedly they may know if you spend on a gift card – so they might know something about the breakdown.

  26. EC

    How do i find out if I’m targeted for the Conservation Int’l deal? It doesn’t come up on my deal feed, and nothing comes up when I search in their search field…is that the answer, not targeted?

    • philco

      Yes you aren’t targeted. I have seen one or two DPs of it (and other offers) showing up in a couple of days after registration. Whether this will be alive than of course….

  27. Steve

    Are there any kosher wines on Winc?

      • Jaso

        No problem Halachically to get any benefit (miles) as a result of buying these wines?

        • NYLOR

          Halachically, only meat and milk mixtures, idol worshipped items and chometz on Passover are non-benefitable. So unless the wine was actually used for idol worship it should be fine. AFAIK. (See name above).

          • Zz

            As far as I’m aware Stam Yainam ( meaning all wines even ones not served for avodah zarah which are only assur m’drabanan) are Assur b’hana’ah (forbidden to benefit)

  28. Steve

    And for Winc bonus, is the bonus only on a single charge of $30, or can I spend $300 and the bonus is then tenfold?

  29. Abey

    I can’t manage to log into simply miles.. any help ? Pass and username are good

    • Jaso

      You have to *Join* and w/ your AA log in (NOT the AA Eshopoing), I guess.

      • Abey

        I’ve joined simply miles in the past, can’t login now though and now am locked out from AA.com

  30. yair

    Thanks! found 4 bottles of wine for $36 (after $20 discount, free shipping) , sent to a gentile friend. 6000 miles for $36, $0.006 per mile. Result!

    • Binyamingavriel

      Might be too late now, but this is hana’ah on two levels. Better to just throw out the wine. Of course check with your LOR.

      • yair

        i actually bought ciders, entirely to avoid the hanaah problem.

  31. AE

    How do I get everything to become 5X?

  32. Anthony

    Well, here goes nothing! Tested the waters with the 40×5 donation offer and $500. Also going to get plugging away on CVS(1500×5), and Best Buy (1500×5). Good luck and happy holidays, all!

  33. Gddy

    I got offer of 1000 miles for $50. at Telefora. Which basically means I get the flowers for free. Can be used twice

  34. ARNY

    Will the multiplier work for gift cards from BB or CVS or will that get flagged?

  35. tjp74

    If you are joining SimplyMiles today, don’t get your hopes up of getting this offer. If you see 83 offers when you login, you don’t have this offer and your best buy offer will be less lucrative at 1500 miles on $200 purchase. If you joined a while ago, try login and if you see 150 offers available to you, you are targeted for exclusive 67 offers not available to others. Those are the lucrative ones you are after. I am in for $3000 and 1 best buy one (gift card). We will see if my bet pays off.

  36. dave

    Another targeted offer is earn 1,500 or 2,500 base miles, for a total of 9,000 or 15,000 miles for spending $200 at BestBuy.com or Best Buy stores

    how do yuo figure the math here? from 1500(*5) how do you get to 9000?

  37. Mendel

    Is there a way for them to know of you got gc?

  38. Josh

    Try you don’t have that much to lose on a bb gift card

  39. Don\'t understand

    What is so smoking hot to get 240 miles for a donation when I can just keep the money to my self ?

    • Dan

      Because 240 miles is worth multiple times what $1 is worth.

      • Don\'t understand

        Assuming they don’t devalue AA miles etc. How much points do you think it makes sense to buy thru this method?

    • Dave

      When you shell out $8,000 for your next business class flight you’ll understand

  40. Avi

    Can I buy something at best buy and return for store credit?

    • Dave

      Yes, I think it should be fine, as long as the charge stays on your CC.

      Someone correct me if I’m wrong here

  41. Memere613

    I got an interesting offer…
    So to start, I am targeted for the 5x
    The offer I saw that is pretty cool:
    Vinesse – spend $41+
    and receive 2,500 pts (x5)

    Effectively buying points at $0.003!

  42. MD

    New here How do I get this? Do I need AA account/credit card?

  43. Agoldsc1

    Winc is a subscription service. Will the charge be made when the order is placed or when the items ship? My concern is that the charge will post after this deal has expired and we won’t earn the 5X credit.

  44. Abey

    “BYTE Earn 4650 miles on a purchase of $100 or more.” Is the best, only problem is you can charge $100 today as you need to do impressions first..
    Did wine.com which has kosher wine “ 1400 miles on a purchase of $100 or more”
    Did hello Bello which is stuff I can actually use “ 850 miles on a purchase of $60 or more”
    And Barnes and Noble “ 465 miles on a purchase of $30 or more”
    Also Have BPMe “ 450 miles on a purchase of $20 or more” unfortunately my gas tank is full…
    Now AA better pay up!!

    • Abey

      Figured out Byte, you remove the code they automatically add in the cart before checkout.
      Total:$103.44 x5 27,900 at .0037 per point !!

  45. Dave

    Pro tip also for those who are attempting to buy a GC. Make sure you buy something with the gc. A snack or candy or something. Even amounts like $200 and zero cents are more likely gonna get flagged for a GC purchase compared to $205.67

  46. Memere613

    500 pts (x5) driven solutions on a purchase $5.99+ (Approx 415pts/$1)

  47. yup

    Would Best Buy gift card in store purchase work? How would they know it was gift card?
    And would Paypal thru Best buy work?

  48. yup

    Wouldnt 4600 for At&T spend of $60 be a better deal then the charity?

    4600×5= 23000

  49. Agoldsc1

    This sounds great but something’s gotta give here. These miles need to be purchased by the organizer of this promotion. I’m not sure who that is, but with the traction that this promotion has gained, I’d be surprised if they have the inventory of miles to honor all of the awards. I’m not even sure that there are enough AA miles in existence to honor all of the awards.

    • J

      I’d be shocked if AA/other airlines weren’t smart enough to have someone monitoring DDF/Gary by now.

  50. Agoldsc1

    Also, if this promotion is honored, we are almost certain to see some serious changes to the program. A loyal frequent flyer will be very upset to be competing for upgrades with some guy who has never flown AA before but donated a few grand to a charity.

  51. M

    Any way to change to a different mastercard after you added one ?

      • Michael

        Once a card is added you can’t add it anymore to any other accountַ, even you delete it from account 1, as it gets flagged in the system.

        The only way around, is PayPal key.

    • username

      sure, just add another card

  52. Barry

    wow..i got the conversation offer.. rolled the dice on $3500 (840K miles!).
    I hope it comes through..
    of course i can’t really fly to Israel b/c my wife won’t vax the kids…
    this is kind of like buying a dansdeal that can use anytime.. wondering if should put even more in.. but nervous that I’m just planting a lot of trees..

    • Dan

      I haven’t vaccinated my kids, but for a deal like this, it’s worth vaccinating! 😀

      All those trees planted will be offset by all the flying from this offer… 😉

      • Dav

        So you think for someone that has no plan to fly anytime soon it makes sense to purchase as much as this , when AA can devalue their program at any time ?

        • Dan

          There’s a lot of factors at play here. For example, how much do you plan on flying in the next year? Do you itemize your tax return to stand to benefit from the donation?

  53. Ari

    How many miles are you buying?

  54. M

    Any tricks to get targeted for conservation

    • Dan

      Mine showed up about 26 hours or so after registering.

  55. Varun Kumar Agarwal

    Will it combine with PayPal BB offer?

  56. Moshe

    There are almost no aa savor awards available on their jfk-tlv and tlv-jfk flights as it used to be. Wonder if they will still come back. This makes this promotion less valuable for me.

  57. Chaim

    Why is it 240 miles?
    It should be 40 per dollar + 5x per dollar not per points earned.
    40×1+5= 45

    • Dan

      Because the promotion is for a bonus of 5 times the base miles.
      This was how it worked last time and confirmed by American for how it works this time.

  58. playing games

    ugh, I added the 1500 miles bestbuy offer and used my card at bestbuy (not gc).
    Now the higher offer shows up, needing activation, and the old lower offer is gone. Will it be honored? at least at the lower level?

  59. Mia Flyer

    it wont even let me register, keeps saying my account info isn’t correct

  60. Ash

    Dan, would a non-US Mastercard qualify for the offer?

  61. al613

    Which wine websites in this promo sell kosher wine?

  62. Robert Gold

    The site is slammed. I cannot even log on.

  63. Andrew

    The site finally came back. Looks like they already dropped the 5x miles bonus.

  64. Sam

    Promo banner gone for me too.
    Donated $20,000, hoping to get award flights for many years to come!

    • moe8555

      I think the max was $9999 so you did 2 donations? Worried that a second donation won’t count?

      • Sam

        Yes. Nothing in the terms said limited to one transaction.
        How much did you donate?

        • moe8555

          $664 that I did as a gamble before the promo was confirmed by AA, enough for about 160K. I had planned to true up to over $4K for a million miles, but was hesitant since it was unclear if a second donation counted. Too bad I didn’t wait a few more hours yesterday when the news broke it was confirmed.

  65. Yehuda

    I clicked on the terms of the best buy offer and it says I have to be using a AA Mastercard, Is that correct?

  66. Dan_and_jj_fan

    I just logged in and it says now that promo has ended as of 12 AM on 12/13. Yesterday’s purchases won’t qualify?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

  67. R

    This is criminal: The 5X AAdvantage promotion offer has reached its cap and has ended. Purchases made after 12 AM ET on December 13, 2021 no longer qualify for the 5X bonus.

    Yesterday and this morning they had it posted as available and now retroactively they change it. THIEVES!

  68. Moshe

    Now they’re saying purchases made after 12/13 no longer qualify for the bonus. How does that make sense to say today that purchases made yesterday do not qualify?

  69. Lantean

    There is a new banner now: The 5X AAdvantage promotion offer has reached its cap and has ended. Purchases made after 12 AM ET on December 13, 2021 no longer qualify for the 5X bonus.. so basically no purchases made yesterday and today qualify. Bummer.

  70. Agoldsc1

    Saying that the deadline is 12AM on 12/13 is wrong and possibly illegal, but not ambiguous. That deadline can only mean that any purchases made on 12/13 will not count towards this promotion unfortunately.

    • Dan

      I’m giving them the benefit of the doubt.

      But otherwise, next steps:
      1. Wait for official response from American.
      2. File informal DOT complaints.
      3. File formal DOT complaints.
      4. Class action lawsuit.

      • Joelfreak

        Does the DOT regulate MILES, or just airlines? I don’t think this is DOT, I think this would be just a plain old complaint.

      • Josh

        LOL, like this worked for us in the past with AA. That’s a joke.

        • Dan

          After a dozen complaints or so, the DOT has never let me down.
          But if we need to do class action, we will.

          • dave

            wow dan I don’t remember you being so aggressive in the past do you have a lot at stake with this promotion?

      • Agoldsc1

        I was thinking about the DOT route, but I wonder whether they have jurisdiction. It doesn’t sound to me like AA was party to this promotion–they just presumably sold some miles to this company. For example, if a CC company promised X number of AA miles and didn’t deliver, I’m not sure that the DOT would get involved there either.

        However, even if it doesn’t provide legal recourse, at the very least filing the DOT complaints might cause AA to pressure this company into meeting their obligations, or at the very least dropping them as a partner.

        Unfortunately, I would be surprised if this company has the resources to meet their obligations, even if forced to.

        Do you think that a CC chargeback might also be a useful option here?

        • Dan

          A CC chargeback would be my last course of action, but it’s certainly in play.

      • Jim

        I’m giving them benefit of the doubt too

        Wish the banner said 12:00am 12/14, but am glad it at least has been removed

        Unless they blew through the budget by so much that they don’t want to honor anything!

        I took a chance on $3800

        I have screenshots from last night 8pm EST

    • Jim

      Possibly written by someone who doesn’t know that 12am belongs to the next day and isn’t the final minute of day prior. Who knows. Just think—same jokers who either offered a Ridiculous deal, or created a situation to disappoint a bunch of folks as well as cost the company money. Cluelessness reigns in 21st century America.

  71. Dan_and_jj_fan

    Now the “deal is dead” banner is gone
    (but so is the 5x banner as well)

  72. Matt

    I smell a class action lawsuit if they don’t honor their offer

    • Dan

      Good job saving a screenshot from today. What time did you save it at?

      • Yossi

        On the screenshot you can see the date & time.

      • Yehoshua

        Thanks 🙂 6:46 am ET this morning (December 14th).

        The question is if this will help me get the 5,000 miles from my Teleflora purchase (instead of the usual 1,000 for purchases over $50).

        Also, Dan, I stacked this with going through the United MileagePlus portal and should be awarded 30 miles per $1 spent. (I assume and hope those two don’t conflict, since SimplyMiles is just reading from my registered Capital One MasterCard and isn’t a shopping portal clickthrough.)

  73. ad120

    I understand why they pulled the promo. Rather I don’t understand why it started.
    Same stuff, different day.
    American is a DisAAster.

  74. Adam

    I have screen shots from this morning from 7:19 AM EST, I then made a donation @ 7:29AM, then took another screen shot at 7:31am. Not sure how yo upload them on this post.

    • Dan

      You can email them to me, dan at dansdeals.com

  75. Moish

    Does anybody know what time today they pulled the promo banner?

    • Adam

      Not exact time but it was around Noon EST

      • Moish

        Thanks. I’m looking for a screenshot after 9:45am today. Anybody have?

  76. Shpoinked!

    Anyone have a screenshot from after 7:50AM on December 14?

    • Adam

      I have from 7:31 AM this morning

  77. bluesky

    If Dec 13th I saved (and have screenshots of 5x through 12/27) the Best Buy, winc, and teleflora, plus other offers…is there any point in buying now? The screenshots specifically show that it is “for a limited time and is subject to availability of bonus miles.” Won’t that disclaimer not hold them liable for today’s new purchases even with the screenshots?

    • Dan

      No, once the site explicitly says the offer is over, it’s over.

  78. @yungermanchik

    @dan when should a pickup order count from the time the order was placed (before they pulled it) or when it was picked up (after it was pulled)?

  79. Yanky

    How soon do the points from simply miles post?

    • Gary

      My 4,000,000 just posted this morning

      • J

        Site says up to 8 weeks. I doubt this comment above mine is true

        • Gary

          How dare you doubt a random internet guy.

  80. Becky

    My order from Winc was just cancelled, anyone else? I purchased 12/13, before banner was pulled

  81. David

    I ordered 12/13. Delivery tomorrow. No miles posted yet., Credit card was charged though.

  82. Emil T

    That’s not as advertised Dan. It was advertised till the 27th it’s ridiculous that they removed it 12 days early.

    • Dan

      Sure it is, it always said that it would be available while supplies lasted as I noted in the original post above. They honored it to everyone who did it while the 5x banner displayed.

      They certainly had the right to end it early, but good for them for honoring it for everyone who did it while the offer was displayed and not saying supplies ran out before then!

  83. Jew

    So no executive platinum status? 🙁

    • Dan

      That was never going to happen. Surprised any bloggers suggested that.

  84. Agoldsc1

    Guess question now is how long until the inevitable deval.

  85. mark n

    Once again amazing how Dan complains when other bloggers killed deals with x and o strategies when clearly this once had your x and o and killed it….

    • Dan

      You realize that this was covered on every travel blog, right?
      There was no chance this was going to last more than a couple days.

      • mark n

        Nowhere near with the detail you did. You literally x and o this one… should have been left to the forums…

        • David

          Mark, I don’t know you and I didn’t do this deal, but am grateful that Dan runs this site and not you. smh. Sincerely wish you all the best if you ever start a site.

          Thanks Dan, keep them coming in all flavors here, as you do. Happy healthy year ahead.

  86. Robert Stein

    Hi Dan, I have screenshots of the banner when I activated my offer through simply miles on December 13 and a screen shot from my credit card statement on my AAdvantage card showing the pending transaction. However, my charge was pending and due to availability of the product and was not actually charged until December 17. Will this affect my ability to get the bonus points? Who can I call to remedy this and see if I actually will receive the points?

    • Abey

      Will probably have to fight it out with AA. But first wait for the dust to settle

  87. Ram

    Posted! I’m seeing an extra 24k for some reason.

  88. Elias

    Deal of the decade I think. I got my donation miles and Best Buy!! Still waiting for the dental thing miles… wowww

  89. MC

    Mine only posted for 1x without the 5x. Took screenshots with banner still live but did it on the last day.

  90. Nolad

    I charged $7500 to a MC and received the confirmation email at 1:25 am on 12/14.
    They only credited 240 points x1 and not x6.
    Advice on who to call?

    • Menachm

      Same for me. Got the email at 3am 12/14. Only the x1 posted.

      • can

        same here placed order at bestbuy at 10 am ET received email Dec 14, 2021, 10:12 AM but only posted 2500 no bonus

    • Dan

      I’d give it a few days before fighting it.

  91. Nolad

    Addendum – The email confirmation said: Return to the SimplyMiles Program

  92. Barry


    My 844,084 miles posted on the site!
    They haven’t shown up on my aa site yet.. did they dor anyone

    Dan I can send screenshot of the posting if you want


  93. Jack

    I did a few offers. But my cvs offer gave me even more than 5X and my other ones only 1X

    We will see what happens

  94. anthony

    I only got 1,000 miles from the Winc wine promotion. I submitted a inquiry on the website because I should have at least 5,000 correct?

  95. Mendel

    Received the 5x on most transactions, except a Best Buy purchase that is dated (on simplymiles.com) 12/14 even though it was actually made on 12/13.

    • Barry

      Did the best buy ever post for you..

      I got my trove of miles from the conservation deal but i also did the best buy (2500 miles on 200 purchase). Only posted as 1500 and 2500 (not sure what the 1500). I’m missing the 5x (12500). I guess i need to email them

  96. Matt

    I made 2 donations….one on the 13th just before midnight eastern and the second at 245am on the 14th. Looking at the earnings on Simply Miles, the first one gave me the 40 miles per dollar plus the 5x bonus (as 2 different awards) and the second only gave me the 40 miles per dollar. I hope it is just a case of the bonus for the transaction on the 14th posting later or tomorrow l. Will hold my breath and post the result tomorrow. I also got in on the CVS deal and got the 9000 bonus miles.

    • Matt

      So, this morning, ALL of the miles for the 2 donations and the CVS purchase were showing on Simplymiles, but now they’re gone again. I’m pretty confident they will credit everything correctly to my AA account eventually. Will just be patient and keep my fingers crossed.

  97. LB

    I made a purchase with the CVS promo as well as the best buy promo on 12/14.
    Nothing showing up yet on my account? Not even 1x.
    Tells me “You currently have no qualifying transactions” in the transaction history.
    I used cards that were saved to my account…
    Any ideas why?

  98. LB

    and I activated the offers before purchasing

  99. LB

    whoops, wrote I purchased on 12/14. was 12/13!

  100. Adam


    I made my purchases on the last morning at 7:30 AM. Only showing 1X no 5X bonus. Should I be concerned?

  101. Jack

    It seems like the miles disappeared from the transactions. Mine went from 20K miles to 0. Everyone should check their SimplyMiles account .

    • Menachm

      Same thing just happened to me! Was showing only the x1 miles before and now they disappeared.

    • Barry

      Mine 844,084 are now also gone!!

  102. Rabbi G Zrico

    So it showed part of my bounties when you posted earlier

    But I logged back in now, and all those transactions disappeared – golly.

  103. Sam

    Most likely the miles were pulled for simplymiles to fix internal error on miles posting inaccurately.


    My miles are gone too!
    Had 60k last night, now nothing

  105. Bklyn

    Showed yesterday. Disappeared today.

    • Dan

      Probably just fixing the 5x cutoff time.
      Not worried.

  106. A

    Ahh please stop posting about this. Every time I see updates I’m reminded about not getting in on it because I was on vacation and didn’t check any blogs.
    lol just kidding, really an amazing deal to those that got it!

  107. Buenos naches

    bought Winc and received bottles a week ago, donated $100 to coser action. No miles showing earned, both offers activated

  108. Menachm

    My full x240 posted on SimplyMiles! Donated 2k at 2:50am on 12/14

  109. Adam

    Conservation showing with 5X, all others are showing with only 1X, and the dates to those are all over the place. For instance, Cinemark Movie Theaters showing purchase was made on the 15th (it was made on the 14th)? Moreover, Cinemark purchase does not involve a delivery of sorts, it’s just an upgrade of membership which went effective immediately at time of purchase on the 14th as the banner was still waving strong. Same for the wine etc…. Thoughts???

  110. Yair

    my 6000 miles for winc posted, and my gentile friend updated that she got her wine. Result!

  111. can

    my points are back but no 5x
    made purchase at 10am ET on Dec 14
    “American tells me that everyone who made purchases via SimplyMiles by 11am ET on 12/14 will receive the promotion as advertised”

    • Dan

      Click on customer service on the bottom of the SimplyMiles site

      • can

        thanks did so. said should respond within 48hr
        hope for the best!!!

      • can

        miles back in account buy still no x5
        no response so far from customer service

  112. Robert

    Hi Dan,

    I made the purchases and have screenshots of the activated offer before Dec 14. How do I get ahold of them to make sure I actually get the points?

    • Dan

      Click on customer service on the bottom of the SimplyMiles site.

  113. LB

    my points still not showing at all? thinking maybe it’s because I only got my welcome email from Simply Miles on 12/14 at 10AM, but made the purchases the night before?? I opened the account 12/13 went through activating and adding the cards and then made the purchases all on 12/13…

  114. Mendel

    Miles disappeared again…

    Now showing 1x of one purchase only (not the conservation).

  115. Matt

    As of 155am, ALL of the miles from the promotion are now in my AA account and available for redemption! Now I just have to figure out all the places I want to go! Thanks Dan for keeping us up to date on all the twists and turns on this one.

  116. Liang

    Miles post in my aa account.

  117. Bklyn

    Simply Miles now in AA account. Thank you Dan

  118. Adam

    Made all purchases morning of the 14th EST, while the banner was still waiving strong in the SimplyMiles winds.

    The good: Conservation posted along with bonus in my AA account, but not visible in SimplyMiles.

    The Confusing: The Wine, showing only in AA with the posted date, not the purchase date, with No Bonus. The converse is true for Cinemark, this shows only in SimplyMiles with posted date, not Purchase date, with NO Bonus

    The not so good: My BYTE purchase is no where to be found, SimplyMiles nor AA, during this whole time of Houdini acts perpetrated.


    • Dan

      Click on customer service on the bottom of the SimplyMiles site.

    • Mendel

      Very similar in my case.

      Conversion, CVS, GoPuff – 5x on aa.com, nothing on simplymiles

      Best Buy – 1x on aa.com, nothing on simplymiles

      Fulton fish market – 1x on simplymiles, nothing on aa.com

      Contacted Customer Service back on Monday. No response as of now

  119. Tavster

    @dan how many did you buy?

  120. robertw

    I missed on this deal. I would have done a nice chunk. I never had a simple miles account. I did open one, yet that offer never showed. Then 48 hours later, the deal was gone. I think those who had the account already did see the offer.

  121. robertw

    I should add the Cinemark deal was not showing to me either. I wonder if this deal will come back again next year.

  122. Steve

    I guess we can expect a devaluation coming?


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