Air Canada Launches All You Can Fly Flight Pass!

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Last month I asked when we would see a return of all you can fly flight passes.

Air Canada just announced that that will be the first North American airline to offer such a pass. Alas, it will only be valid for flights within Canada.

They will offer 3 versions of their infinite flight pass.

Standard will cost C$2,000+tax per month and will come with unlimited flights based on standard/S class availability. It will also offer 5,000 AQMs per month.

Flex will cost C$2,500+tax per month and will come with unlimited flights based on Flex/M class availability. It will also offer 10,000 AQMs per month.

Latitude will cost C$5,000+tax per month and will come with unlimited flights based on Latitude/Y class availability. It will also offer 15,000 AQMs per month and be eligible for complimentary upgrades.

All passes can be purchased for 1, 2, or 3 months and come with free changes and cancellations. You can book or cancel flights up to an hour before departure.

You can purchase a pass from now through September 23rd.

Will you take advantage of this offer? Would you buy an unlimited flight pass if a US airline offered it?

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  1. Isaac

    Is this for all Int flight too?

    • Anon

      No, the post says only for flights within Canada

  2. E

    Where can I find a list of the eligible routes?

  3. zow

    I wish that B6 would do this (again?).

  4. Chaim

    I wanna do it but why only till sep 23
    Would love to buy for 2000$ and fly around Canada for a month

  5. Chaim

    Can choose which month I would want to use it? Or it starts once you buy it?

  6. Shkoyach

    To answer your last question, yes, I would buy a plan with unlimited flights to and from JFK to TLV business class. Make it happen. Thank you.

    • Chaim

      That wasn’t the question!
      And I can’t imagine any airline doing it for international flights!

    • buschoi

      AA last sold it for $3M in 2004 (equivalent to $4.1M in 2020). You should have bought it.

      • Chaim

        For $4.1 You can buy how many tickets you want and never reach that amount especially when you collect miles and sometimes pay with that…

  7. Baruch

    If it’s “all you can fly,” why would one have to cancel or reschedule a flight?

    • Zal

      Surely there would be some kind of penalty for booking and not showing up too many times

  8. David M

    Will you take advantage of this offer?
    Most probably not because i live in the USA.
    Would you buy an unlimited flight pass if a US airline offered it?
    Definitively would consider it, and i know friends that would for sure buy it no questions asked

    • N

      No, it includes a set 5/10/15k AQM. You don’t earn ontop of that.


    This is not a new thing they have had unlimited monthly flight passes for many years. Please do find Canadian airfare deals and post!

    • YMW

      Correct, but this time they are offering a limited time ‘All You Can Fly Across Canada’ which is a new thing.


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