It’s Official: I Love Free In-Flight Wi-Fi!

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I didn’t think I would really care to stay connected while flying, but it really is quite nice and a great way to pass the time.

I’m posting from 28,000 feet in the air on an Airtran flight (free upgrade on a $29 coach ticket to business class, of course) from Akron, OH to LaGuardia.

I was able to connect to the Go-Go internet on the ground, but it only started working once the flight passed 10,000 feet.

The speeds are slightly slower than the last Airtran flight that I was on, it’s running at about 1 mbps down and 350 kbps up.

At a regular price of $9.95 I’m not sure who would pay for 45 minutes of slowish wi-fi, but as long as GoGo keeps on giving it out for free then I’ll keep on using it!

The following 2 codes worked for free access:



Codes are specific for the airline you are on, as aatrygogo and deltatrygogo did not work on Airtran, but do work on American and Delta respectively.

Anyway I’m off to my newest (twin!) cousin’s bris and to buy an esrog set for the holidays and and then flying right back home to Cleveland tomorrow night!


Older First
  1. marc h

    dan; dies it work intl , like to israel?

  2. izzy

    dan any idea for the cheapest car rental in israel for dec 31 to jan 11?

  3. Andrew

    Does anyone have US airways codes?

  4. steve2


    Anyway you can make a forum and title it Ask Dan, that way hopefully people wont make a post about something that has nothing to do with the topic at Hand,Please

    is there a way for you to move or delete posts that arent germane, I take it this post will be included

  5. Yeedle

    It would really be impressive if you wrote a post about where one can get cheap (but high quality) daled minim.

  6. abe

    dan you have never finished off telling us about your trip in israel

  7. aj

    how can i get such cheap flights from cle to nyc

  8. marc h

    no go going abourd Delta NY to Atlanta for my israel connection. delta handed me a free gogo card as soon as i inquired about wifi. very nice. not a ff so this internet inflight is new to me and very cool.
    have a gut yt


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