Virgin Strikes Back At JetBlue, Weakly

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The big winner of JetBlue’s recent Points Match promotion was Virgin America. Well, aside from all of us of course.

If I was running TrueBlue I would have limited the promotion to people who already had Virgin America points as of the day the promotion started. But they didn’t and thousands of people transferred points to Virgin America in order to participate in the JetBlue promotion.

JetBlue will expose all of those people to Virgin’s excellent service and extremely valuable points. Of course JetBlue has great service as well and they’re the only airline allowing people to cancel their South Florida trips due to Zika. People reported that JetBlue even allowed them to cancel Orlando trips for free. My brother-in-law was set to fly to Fort Lauderdale on a Points Match mileage run, but was nervous about Zika. JetBlue allowed him to change from Fort Lauderdale to another more expensive destination to complete the mileage run without charging him a dime!

But Virgin America wasn’t about to let this all pass without firing a shot back. They just sent this email (with the subject “Nice move, Blue”) with a 25% code to people that transferred points:




















There are some good deals with the code, such as JFK-LAX for $108 each way. But the code doesn’t work with point redemptions and let’s be honest, that’s what people are looking to use when they’re sitting on a pile of Virgin America points. It also only works for itineraries of 1 or 2 people.

It’s not a bad way for Virgin America to drive some incremental revenue from the Point Match participants, but once they were going through the effort I’d have hoped for something more creative than a 25% off coupon.



Older First
  1. APoshiterYid

    “Someone was using their noggin…. we’re offering 25% off fares fares…”


  2. Tom

    Can anyone confirm recieveing the 75k points for jetblue flights book prior to receiving the jetblue points match confirmation, I have a flight next week and just want to make sure I will be credited.

  3. eli

    I don’t really think this was meant to strike back at JetBlue. The goal is to keep all the new VA recruits. However they need to get their act together. I called them to complain that it wasn’t working on point fares which is not stated anywhere in the terms and conditions. The woman there spoke to her supervisor who said that the email was a glitch and promo codes are only awarded to gold and silver members, not red. What an idiot.

  4. Anonymous

    @Tom: Call. You should have gotten email confirming you are eligible

  5. Zika

    I have tickets to florida and also concerned about zika, where did they let your brother in law change his tickets to? @dansdeals

  6. Tommy

    Any ideas on how to receive the 75k bonus if i won’t be able to fly a round trip with Jet Blue by 8/31 ??? Thanks

  7. Anonymous

    whats the 25% promo code

  8. sara

    hi, where can i find the 25% promo code

  9. @Tom

    Why not get the confirmation first? It’s a long delay if you registered in time.

  10. yankel

    @eli: could be right… neither i nor the mrs got a promo code… we both have accounts

  11. @Tommy

    If you did the rest of the requirements for the PointsMatch, it would be sort of tragic if you can’t squeeze in a quick RT mileage run to get your 75K points.

  12. @eli

    Would be hilarious if it really was a glitch… makes Red look silly for poking fun at Blue

  13. motty

    does anyone now if in order to get 75K, Can I book the JetBlue flight (millage run) using chase points (on ultimate rewards), or it must be booked on

  14. Ctownbin

    This is hilarious.

    I’m just curious- does this mean that JetBlue actually verified point balances with Virgin- and that’s how Virgin knew who to send this email to? Or, did Virgin simply send this email to anyone who transferred 50k points after the promotion started, assuming they must have done it for the JetBlue promo? If the former, some people who used photoshop might be in for a rude awakening…

    Either way, this is great stuff! Truly an insane promotion.

  15. est

    Is the promo code transferable to other accounts?

  16. eli

    It is not a glitch. The person I spoke to was an idiot as was her supervisor. It does work to get you 25% off your dollar ticket, just not points. I don’t know why it doesn’t seem to give you the same deal with points as it sounds from the words of the email and the terms and conditions that it does.

  17. tommy

    @@Tommy: Agree thats why I’m trying to figure something out..Do you actually have fly or can i just book the ticket?

  18. Promi

    Looking to buy tickets
    Virgin true blue
    Anyone who offers a great deal
    So what’s current?
    Long article with no lemasseh?

  19. Ron

    I did not get the email… is there a delay?

  20. Ed Travel

    I got the e-mail, if fact I did not read it until Dan mentioned it…Today I flew my first leg of the JetBlue challenge, since they have matched my status and made a Mosaic, it was quite nice. Free two pieces of check in luggage, your own line for security, the second one overall to board the plane, free internet during the flight and priority bags (mine was the first one to show up). I will be taking my second leg at the buzzer, the 31st of August…They left a good impression…

  21. Ari

    Both Dans post and the t&c in the email clearly state that this is for cash only and not for points bookings.

  22. HelpMe

    Lets see. 25% off with promo code or 43% off without promo code. That is a hard decision!

  23. paul

    tom dont worry call up trueblue and theyll credit card

  24. paul

    motty i think you need to log onto or create if you dont have one a jetblue acct and book from there meaning you have to have an acct and pay using your credit card i dont think you can use your points to be yotzei the mileage run

  25. Anonymous

    @Tom: when i spoke to them last month they told me i could book a flight even though i didnt get the points confirmation email yet and the rep. notated it on the account. so i dont think it should be a problem just call up trueblue to verify that


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