[Stack With SimplyMiles!] Check Your Citi Offers To See If You’re Targeted For Uber, Uber Eats, Uber One, Virgin Atlantic, And StubHub Savings!

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Update: Check your SimplyMiles account for stackable offers such as:

  • Earn 465 AA miles and AA Loyalty Points on your next 4 Uber rides through 5/31.
  • Earn 465 AA miles and AA Loyalty Points on your next 3 $25+ Uber Eats deliveries through 5/31.
  • Earn 460 AA miles and AA Loyalty Points on your next 2 Uber One membership charges through 5/31.
  • Earn 2,200 AA miles and AA Loyalty Points on your next $500 StubHub purchase through 5/31.

With SimplyMiles you can earn American miles (and now loyalty points to earn status) in stores and online by registering with a Mastercard and then activating targeted offers that you load onto your Mastercard. When you spend with your registered Mastercard you’ll earn miles. PIN based debit transactions don’t earn miles. Miles post to your AA account within 3-15 days. Additional offers can show up in the days after you register for SimplyMiles.

Originally posted on 3/31:

Select Citi cards, like the Citi Double Cash card have access to Citi Merchant Offers. To view them login to the Citi app, scroll down to Explore Offers for You, click on Save with your Citi card, and then click on See Your Offers.

On my Double Cash card I have offers like:

  • $10 off an Uber ride, valid on up to 4 rides through 4/30.
  • $9.99 off Uber One Membership, valid twice through 4/30.
  • $10 off $25 on Uber Eats, valid 3 times through 4/30.

If you don’t see those offers, try logging out and back in again, as that can generate new offers. Be sure to save the offers to your account before they fill up!

Other current offers include:

  • $20 off $200 at Hawaiian through 3/31
  • $50 off $500 at StubHub through 4/30
  • $50 off $500 at Virgin Atlantic through 4/30
  • 6% off at Crocs through 5/15
  • 4% off at Indochino through 5/15

What offers do you have?

HT: Davidthebest, via DoC


Older First
  1. Ikey

    First logged in and no uber offers. Logged out and then back in (several times) and got the uber one free 2 months. This deal stacks on top of a uber one offer on the Uber app; get $25 free for signing up to under one.
    Thank you !

  2. Josh

    Get $5 back on any purchase of $15 or more through the Uber app. Expires 4/30/2022. Offer excludes taxes. Not valid with other offers. Offer may be redeemed once per person. Subject to change or cancellation.

  3. Basil Pizza And Wine 6% back

    Earn a statement credit when you dine and pay with your linked card at participating local restaurants. This offer is not eligible for redemption on Fri. Awarded on qualifying dines up to the maximum limit of $2000. Valid at the following locations: 270 Kingston Ave, Brooklyn, NY, 11213.

  4. Meat 6% back

    Earn a statement credit when you dine and pay with your linked card at participating local restaurants. This offer is not eligible for redemption on Wed, Mon, Tue. Awarded on qualifying dines up to the maximum limit of $2000. Valid at the following locations: 123 Kingston Ave, Brooklyn, NY, 11213.

  5. Od

    only on app for now or desktop too?

  6. CM

    I have AAdvantage Citi. No offers for me, correct? Can’t find in app

  7. Eliezer J

    I have the double cash card and I don’t have any page where I can see offers

  8. Dans fan

    Citi double cash with no access to offers

  9. Usernamechuck

    I have never had any Citi offers except balance transfer offers. What am I doing wrong?

  10. Ruby

    Still haven’t got reimbursed for uber one. Purchased on the very first day(3/30) when the offer came out. Is anyone in a similar situation?


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