AAdvantage Credit Card Reduced Mileage Awards For January-March 2006 Announced!

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By now I’m sure that most of you have taken AAdvantage of the AAmerican AAirlines AAdvantge credit card that i wrote about previously that gives you 20,000 miles for signing up for a free credit card.
One of the perks of the card is reduced mileage awards, and the 1st quarter 2006 list has just been released.
Some highlights include(Cities listed are valid destinations for travel from any city in the continental US)
New York/JFK-17,500 miles
Montreal/Toronto/Vancouver-17,500 miles.
Cayman Islands-22,500 miles
London-32,500 miles
Full List Of Reduced Mileage Awards Linky-Q1 2006
Full List Of Reduced Mileage Awards Linky-Q4 2005


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  1. Anonymous

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