Garmin Nuvi 52LM 5 Inch Portable Vehicle GPS With Lifetime Maps For $77 Shipped From BuyDig
This sells for $97.99 from Amazon where it has 4.3 star ratings.
Use $23 off code: VMEDEL
-Easy-to-use, touchscreen interface with a 5″ diagonal color display
-Lane assist with junction view displays junctions and interchanges with colored arrows that indicate the proper lane needed for your next turn or exit
-Voice prompted turn-by-turn directions with spoken street names: Turn right on Main Street
-Includes sturdy suction cup mount for easy adjustment and quick release
its more kdai to just check out with visa
why more kedayyy?
Does it have the 512MB RAM required for the Israel Map?
have this also canada??
have this also canada???
no live traffic!! im not sure its a good deal
Do I need to make a Visa Checkout account or can I pay as a guest
@Dans Fan:
the map has it for canada??
u can