Update: DEAD!
Sennheiser VMX 200-II Bluetooth Headset For $24.99 Shipped From B&H After $55 Price Drop
Choose from Black or Silver.
This sells for $103.21 from Amazon!
-If you have a Visa business card, like a Chase Ink card, you can enroll in Visa Savings Edge for an additional 5% automatic cash rebate.
-B&H doesn’t charge sales tax for orders shipped outside of NY.
-Voice Max technology – two built-in microphones working seamlessly to emphasize voice quality and remove external noise
-HD voice – wideband audio, for a more clear and natural speech
-For calls and music – listen to podcasts, music and audio books as well as use it for phone calls
-Tells you how it’s doing – voice prompts keep you up-to-date on battery time and much more
-High end speakers – top quality sound experience
In for 2. Thanks.
Does visa saving edge also work when paying with PayPal?
How do i pay with visa to get auto rebate?
Any 1 knows the quality of this?