This can be used for music, tv, movies, audiobooks, games, or any app store purchases or subscriptions. It can even be used for the Artscroll Shas app.
Alternatively you can always pickup iTunes gift cards (as well as gift cards to hundreds of other stores) at any Office Supply store with your Ink Bold, Ink Plus, or Ink Cash card to earn 5 points per dollar (worth roughly 9.5% back)!
Similar deal: CVS has $10 CVS rewards when you buy $50 itunes or gap giftcard in store.
True, but $15 off $100 ($85 out of pocket) is better than $20 in CVS funny money when paying $100 out of pocket.
Can you use this to buy an iPad?
No, it’s not for the Apple store, only for the App store or iTunes store (i.e. only digital content).
Free 8 x 10 Collage Photo print at Walgreens.
In store pickup to make it free
Is this deal considered special or pareve?
@ari F
how do i receive the collage photo print from walgreens if im buying the card from best buy?
In Canada you can get a 50.00 iTunes card (Canadian iTunes Store) for just 40.00! At any jean Couto store, until may 15.