Select from Blue, Gold, Space Gray, Pink, and Silver.
This sells for $310 on Amazon.
If you have the Amex offer for Best Buy saved to your card you will get $25 back on $250+ on and in-store through 12/31. All of your online and in-store purchases through 12/31 will count towards the $250 threshold, you do not need to spend the $250 in one shot. And you can register all of your primary and secondary cards for the $25 off $250 savings!
You can return purchases to Best Buy through 01/15/15 with their holiday return policy!
I can’t seem to see the best buy offer. Did it expire?
It is only available to Best Buy Elite members and it is through November 23. For everyone else, it should be available next week.
Will the Amex offers work with the Amex Serve card?
its sold out!
sold out online