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Update: Delta has now matched most of these fares!
Use your business AMEX to save an additional 3%-5% off Delta tickets!

Northwest has just published $98+ Round trip fares for 29 cities to/from Columbus, OH.
The fares should be bookable at about 5PM.
Albuquerque, NM
Albany, NY
Austin, TX
Hartford, CT
Boise, ID
Buffalo, NY
Baltimore, MD
Spokane, WA
Jackson, MS
Jacksonville, FL
Las Vegas, NV
Los Angeles, CA
Little Rock, AR
Manchester, NH
Kansas City, MO
New Orleans, LA
Oklahoma City, OK
Omaha, NE
Portland, OR
Phoenix, AZ
Raleigh-Durham, NC
San Diego, CA
San Antonio, TX
Seattle, WA
San Jose, CA
Sacramento, CA
Santa Ana, CA
Tulsa, OK
Tucson, AZ

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  1. Anonymous

    dan wants us to come ohio to him

  2. Dan

    These fares are on Northwest, not Skybus.

  3. Anonymous

    while these are great fares it makes no sence to have everything go and come from that same place (columbus) i live in miami why cant i travel to anywhere else but columbus with them …i dont see the brain here

  4. sam

    dan thanks i just got my diet 7 up kit thanks dan if some one needs to get ahold of you for something how can i do that dan not a q about things like wats good you will want to here so let me know im waiting by to here from you thanks


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