Final Hour: Will You Vote For The Frum Tweet Of The Year? Looking Back At 13 Years On Twitter

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Update: Congrats to fellow Clevelander and DansDeals Forums moderator Chaikel on winning #FTOTY2021!

We’ve been posting deals on Twitter since March 2009, but over the past several years it’s been fun to watch the proliferation of frum (religious Jewish) humor on Twitter. The @VaadHaBadchanim has an annual bracket for the frum Tweet of the year.

No, nobody had to take out an ad for this:


After narrowing down a bracket of 32, the finals are between DDF moderator Chaikel and @Tmerz10:



It’s a close race now, but you can vote for your favorite here by 11am ET. Which is your favorite?


I’ve had my share of fun on Twitter over the past 13 years, as have others with a DansDeals twist.

Not following @DansDeals on Twitter? Aside from the deals, here’s what you’re missing out on!



This one will make more sense if you have read this post and watch this video first

And of course some classic deals, like the first Israel price mistake deal:

The Delta Price Mistake:


And the free vacation in Vegas:


That time Wideroe Airlines created a price mistake on United flights…


Well that was a fun trip down the rabbit hole, thanks for the good times Twitter!

Not a Twitter fan? You can always follow us via Telegram or SMS!


Older First
  1. Mountain Man

    Nice finally supporting your mod. Go Chaikel!

    • Dan

      Now we just need him to get active on DDF again 😀

  2. abey

    Frum Twitter rocks !! AYhumer is a really funny guy. @Dan any chance we can get forum software that is easier to read on mobile ?

    • Dan

      Yes, it does!
      Not a Tapatalk fan?

      • Abey

        My filter blocks Tapa, but even Tapa is usable but not great. There are many forum software that are great in browser with many features like going back to your last unread in a thread etc. just a thought

        • Abey

          @Dan check out Discourse forum software it’s really nice and a ton of features modern design

      • Nathan

        Any good alternative to Tapatalk? It’s been very slow recently….

  3. Mendel

    Not a single @cholentface tweet??


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