Attend A Free Microsoft IT Event And Get Windows 7 For Free!

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Update: Microsoft has clarified that all attendees will receive the Ultimate version of Windows 7!

Originally posted on 08/16:

Event Registration Linky

Each city has a 2.5 hour morning event for developers and a 3.5 hour afternoon event for IT people.

Even if the Windows 7 track registration is full (Like in Los Angeles) it says that you can still register for a Windows Server or Exchange track and attend the Windows 7 track for the free copy of Windows 7.

I’m signed up for the afternoon Cleveland IT event, post a comment with which event you’ll be attending!

Here is the full lineup of events:
Atlanta – Sep. 28
Baltimore – Nov. 9
Boston – Oct. 5
Chicago – Oct. 20
Cleveland – Oct. 12
Dallas – Nov. 4
Denver – Sep. 24
Detroit – Oct. 28
Houston – Nov. 9
Kansas City – Nov. 4
Los Angeles – Oct. 28
Miami – Sep. 24
Minneapolis – Sep. 24
New York City – Oct. 20
Orange County – Oct. 26
Philadelphia – Sep. 28
Phoenix – Sep. 28
Pittsburgh – Sep. 30
Portland – Oct. 14
San Diego – Oct. 26
San Francisco – Oct. 20
San Jose – Oct. 5
Seattle – Oct. 12
St. Louis – Nov. 9
Washington – Nov. 4


Newer First
  1. jacob

    will they have this option again for windows 8?

  2. dedskwirl

    pittsburgh morning session, the lecturer fizzled out because the sensor board broke and missed half the presentation.

  3. Dave Z

    I registered for Cleveland Oct 12 (IT sessions)

  4. Yosstek

    I registered, but it’s on yom kippur in phx

  5. dov717

    Sorry, just saw on the link that its the pro edition. But what does “while supplies last” supposed to mean?

  6. dov717

    Does anyone know which version of 7 they are giving out?

  7. Morton Weintraub

    The MSFT signup is asking for a registration code. Does anyone have this information?


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