[Expiration Date Extended!] Check Your Email To See If Your Healthcare Hero Won Free JetBlue Tickets!

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Update, 1/16/22: These certificates were set to expire on 1/31/22, but have been extended to expire on 5/31/22, with travel complete by that date. Blackout dates can be found here.

Update, 6/3/20: A new round of winners has gone out today, be sure to check your emails and have your nominee respond within 3 days to claim their prize!

Update, 5/24/20: Many DDF members and commenters have won tickets for their nominees! Check your email for the subject “A note from JetBlue Healthcare Heroes Sweepstakes.” Some DDF reports say their email went to SPAM or Promotion folders, so check there too! You need to respond to the email within 3 days to claim the prize. Did you win?

Update, 5/16/20: DEAD!

Update, 5/15/20: Nominations end today!

Originally posted on 5/6/20:

Click Here To Nominate Your Healthcare Hero Or COVID-19 Blood Or Plasma Donor To Win A Pair Of JetBlue Systemwide Round-Trip Tickets!

JetBlue is giving away 100,000 round-trip tickets to healthcare workers and others involved in the fight against COVID-19. You can’t nominate yourself, but you can nominate as many others as you want!

Nominations are open through 5/15.

The ARV of each prize is $500, which is under the $600 threshold for 1099s to be issued, but winners are still responsible for any applicable taxes.

“Eligible Healthcare workers, Public Health workers, and First Responders are defined here as those who are actively serving outside of their homes on the frontlines of the of the Covid-19 response in the following roles:

  • a. Workers who perform critical clinical research, development, and testing needed for COVID-19 response.
  • b. Healthcare providers and Caregivers including physicians, dentists, psychologists, mid-level practitioners, nurses and assistants, infection control and quality assurance personnel, pharmacists, physical and occupational therapists and assistants, social workers, optometrists, speech pathologists, chiropractors, and diagnostic and therapeutic technicians and technologists.
  • c. Hospital and laboratory personnel (including accounting, administrative, admitting and discharge, engineering, epidemiological, source plasma and blood donation, food service, housekeeping, medical records, information technology and operational technology, nutritionists, sanitarians, respiratory therapists, etc.).
  • d. Workers in other medical and biomedical facilities (including Ambulatory Health and Surgical, Blood Banks, Clinics, Community Mental Health, Comprehensive Outpatient rehabilitation, End Stage Renal Disease, Health Departments, Home Health care, Hospices, Hospitals, Long Term Care, Nursing Care Facilities, Organ Pharmacies, Procurement Organizations, Psychiatric Residential, Rural Health Clinics and Federally Qualified Health Centers, and retail facilities specializing in medical good and supplies).
  • e. Manufacturer workers for health manufacturing (including biotechnology companies), materials and parts suppliers, logistics and warehouse operators, distributors of medical equipment (including those who test and repair), personal protective equipment (PPE), isolation barriers, medical gases, pharmaceuticals (including materials used in radioactive drugs), dietary supplements, blood and blood products, vaccines, testing materials, laboratory supplies, cleaning, sanitizing, disinfecting or sterilization supplies, and tissue and paper towel products.
  • f. Public health / community health workers, including those who compile, model, analyze and communicate public health information.
  • g. Blood and plasma donors and the employees of the organizations that operate and manage related activities.
  • h. Workers who manage health plans, billing, and health information, who cannot practically work remotely.
  • i. Workers who conduct community-based public health functions, conducting epidemiologic surveillance, compiling, analyzing and communicating public health information, who cannot practically work remotely.
  • j. Workers performing information technology and cybersecurity functions at healthcare and public health facilities, who cannot practically work remotely.
  • k. Workers performing security, incident management, and emergency operations functions at or on behalf of healthcare entities including healthcare coalitions, who cannot practically work remotely.
  • l. Pharmacy employees necessary to maintain uninterrupted prescription filling.
  • m. Workers performing mortuary funeral, cremation, burial, cemetery, and related services, including funeral homes, crematoriums, cemetery workers, and coffin makers.
  • n. Workers who coordinate with other organizations to ensure the proper recovery, handling, identification, transportation, tracking, storage, and disposal of human remains and personal effects; certify cause of death; and facilitate access to mental/behavioral health services to the family members, responders, and survivors of an incident.
  • o. Police officers, paramedics, EMTs, firefighters, and those who are immediately responding to the scene of emergencies and accidents to provide assistance in an official capacity on the frontlines of Covid-19.”

HT: grodnoking, via DDF


Newer First
  1. Texas Totty

    In the blackout dates, it first says April 7-25
    Then it says April 14-25:
    Boston, MA (BOS)
    Hartford, CT (BDL)
    Providence, RI (PVD)
    Worcester, MA (ORH)
    Does this mean Pesach travel is out? Why is 14-25 not included in 7-25?

  2. krystal

    alright all, who has actually used their tickets? I just got my voucher Friday, but I live in Iowa and the closest airport hubs to me are all closed due to covid. So, looking to fly in sept/oct. Just wondering the value on the tickets? All the press I read says, “fly anywhere”, but then I also see that the “estimated value” is $500. Thanks for any feedback if ya got it 🙂

  3. CollegeGirl

    @Dan any good ideas where to use my vouchers? (Jet blue agreed that Chesed of BP is an volunteer medical assistance organization – driving people to and from hospitals)

    • Andrew Weiner

      I second the question. This might warrant its own post.

  4. Gladys

    Received two ticket vouchers today. Are they worth only $500 total?

  5. Gladys

    Received confirmation on tickets today. How much are the tickets worth? Is it $500 for both tickets?

  6. Rana.

    I won . Saw JetBlue advertising on Facebook – shared and forgot about it. My friend endorsed me and also forgot about it . She found email on her junk mail on last day June 8- so notified me – to verify my employment and provide pickture with my work ID and selfie. I was very sceptical about it – but she insisted to complete verification. Today I got confirmation with certification ID # . Well paid – for my working 6 days/week at medical field , taking care of parents , aunts and son. I turn 50 this year , my son graduated from middle school – so need to choose the destination- where and when to go .

  7. Melissa S

    I won but when do we receive tickets. Thank you JetBlue

  8. Sunshine-2009

    I did not know of this offer. How were people notified of this deal? I could have nominated my daughter who is a First Respondent and Covid-19.

  9. David

    They sent my nominator an email that I won and I filled out my info. Haven’t gotten an update and it’s been over a week. Anyone know how to find out the status?

      • selena

        I didn’t think I got an update. But i just searched my email and it was there. i think it went to spam.

  10. SC

    I won twice from different people. Does anyone know if you can claim both?

  11. Vince

    Does anyone know if this doesn’t include layovers ? Like if we wanted to fly from Florida to NYC but there was a layover in Houston- this prize would only include Florida to Houston ?

    • Laura

      I am wondering the same thing. Closest airport to me is 5 1/2 hours and the only direct flight is to Boston. All other destinations have layovers!

  12. Christina Cerezo

    I was one of the winners from NYC and responded with proper ID and selfie as requested however no further email was sent back to me. I have not received any tickets as of yet. Is there anything else I need to submit?

  13. Chana L

    Nominated my father and he won! Thanks Dan for the heads up to check our emails again. I could’ve easily missed it.

  14. Joey

    Verification Submission Complete!
    Please note that all winners are also manually verified by a real person. Limit one prize per Nominee. Approved nominees will receive their travel certificates beginning approximately the week of June 15th.

    Participants may not nominate or claim flight certificates for themselves. Disqualified winners will not be contacted

  15. Texas Totty

    I won in the first round and now my nominee won as well!
    Just weird that there wasn’t any communication from them since I submitted the verification.

  16. Krystal

    I won, and am a govt nurse. I’m a little worried it will not be played based on “gift” rules. Anyone have insight on that?

    • SF

      It’s not from a patient so what’s the issue? Take them tickets girl

      • krystal

        Yah, i got confirmation from work and plan to use them 🙂

  17. Sam m

    Thanks Dan. I won and a few other people in my family won. One of my brothers won 3 times.

  18. Jeremy Hawk

    I got emails saying had 3 nominees selected. The email came from jetblue@email-hub.com which doesn’t seem right. Is this a scam address?

    • Yitz

      I got an email from the same address. Seems 100% legit to me.

  19. zow

    My DW nominated me, and I won today! Thanks, Dan, for making us all aware of this opportunity.

  20. Aliza Sherman

    Got notified today that 2 more of my nominees won, so 3 altogether. So excited!

  21. CH

    If your winning nominee already got from someone else, forward to another Hatzalah or Chevra Kadisha Volunteer or email the link to me therabbi at ymail.com and i can forward to members in Crown Heights Hatzalah and Chevra Kadisha that didnt win yet. Dont let it go to waste! lets help each other. (the names dont have to match)

    • Yitz

      Hashem could find a way to get you a flight somewhere without you violating the terms of this promotion (=gezel akum, at the very least in spirit).

    • Mordechai

      That seems a bit dishonest as it says they are non-transferable.

  22. RBC Nurse

    Thanks Dan! I won a nomination, and a coworker won a nomination that I submitted!

  23. Mootkim

    The email said that they will be sending the tickets the week of june 8th. If you click the verification link again after submitting everything it will show you the status. At first mine said that they are reviewing and now I checked and it says verification complete.

    • Aron

      Thanks just checked and it’s showing me the 15th

  24. Aron

    Has anyone got a response from them. I got the email sent it to TV e party they sent in the proof and never heard back it been about 2 weeks?

  25. El Capitan

    My nomination for Dr Rosen of Crown heights won!!!

  26. Hvaces42

    Nominated my daughter, an RN and was notified today that she won!!!

  27. Mary McClellan

    Email went to spam so did not receive it in time. Is there anything I can do?

    • Kay

      Had the same. However, received another email yesterday with the title final notification that did not go to SPAM. Reply date is today and nominee completed and submitted. Anyone with similar events? How soon after were the vouchers received by recipients?

    • Emes

      Send it to the winner let them complete the verification. Worst is JetBlue says no.

  28. Elizabeth LaPointe

    It says the tickets will be emailed by June 7

    • Christina Cerezo

      Thanks for the info!!!!

  29. Kathi G

    I received an email from my friend who nominated me and it showed I was chosen for the grand prize, I completed my form and uploaded the documents required but never received and email confirming the certificates.

    • SF

      It said tickets would be distributed starting June 8 but my mom won and still hasn’t seen or heard anything else

  30. SOF

    I nominated someone and they were selected! Unfortunately I stopped diligently checking my email a week after the winners were supposed to be announced (May 18) so I missed the email. It’s 4 days out from when they sent it so I’m hoping and praying they still honor it and let her get her tickets. She really deserves it!

  31. Macher

    I was nominated and responded but never got confirmation email. Has anyone? Thanks


      I also won and though sending in my verification info did not hear back from them – maybe it is because I did it over the long holiday weekend

  32. Blumommy

    I nominated my ride in die friend and she won, verified and got conformation back within minutes of submitting her info. So check spam maybe its in there.

  33. benj

    I won twice; got nominated by my wife and a friend for Chevra Kadisha work. Only one winner per person though!

  34. jamie

    I nominated three people, and they all won. My son nominated three people, and only one of them won. So…four out of six of our nominees won. That sounds like a pretty high percentage. I’m wondering how limited these free tickets will be.

  35. Joey

    Won and responded but never heard back…

    • Rose A

      I’m also interested in the winners list. If u find out how to obtain it please share it with me. Thank you.

  36. YGX

    My sister in law won on our nomination! Thanks Dan!

  37. A.S.

    My nominee won BH! I only knew about this opportunity because of you Dan. And thanks for letting us know to check the email because it came 2 days ago, there is a time limit, and I might never have realized it!

  38. Basya

    What do u consider the best use of this prize?

  39. Resident

    are resident physicians eligible? Ty

  40. S

    I won but don’t hear back confirmation yet. Did anyone get confirmation yet?

  41. Texas Totty

    I was nominated bt lots of people (I donate plasma every week) but the one that got the email was my wife so no awkward ticket sharing requests.

  42. Jeff

    I know someone that won 3 times. How can they get all 3?

  43. Aryeh

    I won filled out but never heard back or got confirmation

  44. sam

    nominated my wife and won!! can’t wait to go on vacatian

  45. Sammy

    Thank you so much dan for the heads up we nominated my sister and she won!

  46. Mardi

    My nominee won!!! So excited for him.

  47. Jonathan Nissanoff

    My patients nominated me and I won. The real question is where is the most expensive trip to use these tickets for?

  48. Lakewood guy

    I won! Thanks Dan!!!

  49. Aron

    I nominated 2 Hatzalah members and they both won

  50. Mootkim

    Nominated my wife and she won. Email went to promotions so didnt see it till a day and a half later and the deadline to respond to email is 3 days.

    • Nicole

      Do you think you’ll still get it? Or have you heard anything? Same here

  51. AG

    Idk I tried nominating him in the comments and never got any confirmation

    • Hindy

      Nominations were supposed to be submitted via Jetblue not here lol

  52. Guy

    I nominated my wife and we won!
    Thanks Dan & JJ for all your great work!

  53. BocaYid

    Does anyone else wonder how it seems everyone is a winner?

    • Mootkim

      There were 90k winners. Plus if someone didnt respond or couldnt provide adequate credentials they picked another winner for their spot.

    • Joey

      They gave out 90,000 tickets…

    • Yitz

      Because there are 90,000 winning nominees. With that said I nominated three and none have won.

  54. benj

    My wife nominated me for Chevra Kadisha volunteer work and I won! Thanks Dan for making us aware of this!

  55. Thanks for the deal

    Nominated my wife, who’s a hospital pharmacist, and she won!

  56. CollegeGirl

    Winner here too. Here’s to hoping Chesed Volunteers are considered as he never ended up doing plasma donation.

  57. J

    Winner here too. Did everyone “win”?

  58. Mordechai

    I entered my sister. I just got an email that she was a winner!

  59. Tommy

    Just got an email noting my hero won with the subject “A note from Jetblue Healthcare Heroes Sweepstakes” – keep an eye out, it isn’t very clear in the email subject.

  60. Pesie

    Dr Chaim Ross Winthrop hospital
    Moshe Horowitz medical supplies
    Akiva Horowitz health care facility

  61. Shaina

    I’d like to nominate Isaac Moorvitch. He is an EMT volunteer to the Los Angeles community and is a ER Technician working the front lines. He has set up a gofundme to raise money for medical supplies for different hospitals. He goes above and beyond to help everyone!

  62. Tracey Martin

    RN Naasiya Johnson at St. Barnabas in Livingston in NJ for her dedication. Naasiya and the other members of the medical staff at St. Barnabas in Livingston, NJ, have been going above and beyond in their care for COVID-19 patientsat this hospital. She has been putting in 18 hour shifts with 4 hour sleep, if that,, in between with a permanent smile. Nursing in this pandemic requires a heart that understands the complexity of both the medical and emotional needs of the ill and their families. Nassiya approaches her work with a positive attitudes and understanding of this illnesses, then adds compassion and kindness that, to these patients, is immeasurable. I give her my vote, and I stand at a salute to her grace under pressure and a job well done.

    • Ursula Gerson

      My dad was 83 years old and went to St. Barnabas in Livingston in NJ in March. He was tested positive for COVID-19 and had an ecoli infection. St. Barnabas refused to admit him because he was not yet in respiratory distress. They sent him back to the nursing home where he died a few days later. I’m sure the RN you nominated is going a great job, but I am so frustrated why they would not admit a senior in need. He would still be alive if they admitted him as he would have had the resources he heeded.

      • Banana

        So saddened for your loss.
        I can’t imagine the pain or frustration.
        May your memories of him be a blessing and a source of comfort and may his soul soar to the loftiest of heights.
        I hope comfort finds you soon.

  63. Dana Cary

    I’d like to nominate Byron Cary for this. Byron is an ER doctor at Northshore University Hospital and Long Island Jewish hospital. Byron has been on the front lines of the Covid-19 outbreak and has risked his health daily by working with Covid-19 patients 24/7. Byron hasn’t seen friends or family in the past 8 weeks in order to fully dedicate himself to his job. Byron is an outstanding doctor with dogged determination to save lives. He is empathetic, hard-working, and self-less in his work to help others survive. Byron’s email address is : Bcary@northwell.edu

  64. Byron Cary

    I’d like to nominate Byron Cary. He’s an ER doctor at Northwell Health at Northshore University Hospital and Long Island Jewish Hospital. Has been working On the front lines since this all began. He stays late to make sure patients are properly given to the next worker and never leaves any patient until he knows they are being cared for by the next healthcare worker. Byron hasn’t been able to see family or friends in over 8 weeks as he has put everyone else first. I don’t know anyone more deserving than Byron! And by the way, thanks for doing this!!

  65. Dr. Moses Kranzler

    I’d like to recommend Dr. Jeremy Dennis, an anesthesiologist at Yale New haven Hospital who, for the last few weeks was assigned to head the unit of the patients hospitalized with the virus. A very special young man.

  66. Dan\'s the Man

    Dr Joey Shatkes in Englewood hospital. Has really gone above and beyond for his patients (and even those who were not his patients before they got the corona. Really advocated for pateients. I know someone who the hospital wanted to send home and he was in really bad shape with trouble breathing someone hot him in touch with Dr Shatkes and within minutes he was at the hospital and at the patients side saying don’t worry you ain’t going nowhere. He mamish saved lives and also let families facetime on his personal phone so they could talk to their sick relatives

    • jew

      thanks! I B”H dont know anyone and would love to nominate those who deserve it. So keep the suggestions coming

      • Dan\'s the Man

        The correct spelling for those who want to nominate him is: Dr Joseph Shatzkes

  67. Lakewood guy

    Are teachers eligible?

    • R

      why? Are they a healthcare hero?

      Plus one of the few groups in America (along with the rest of their gov’t buddies) drawing a full paycheck with less work

      • Emes

        Not yeshiva/day school teachers. They claim they are working harder than ever.

      • Nolad

        Teachers are all around HEROES (ask any parent) and thus included in any type of HERO award.

  68. Susan

    Dr Lou Saffran best Dr at South Nassau in oceanside

  69. Joseph a

    In my opinion Chaverim members should be eligible as “ Workers who coordinate with other organizations”.

  70. Joe Kay

    Can I nominate Dan and JJ for letting us know when and where to buy sold out essentials??

    • Mikes@Micro.com

      Only if they have .edu emails associated with a university research lab

  71. Daniel

    Do chaverim members count too?


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