Hyatt Will Finally Count Award Nights Towards Elite Status

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Hyatt has been a lone holdout in not counting award nights towards earning elite status.

Starwood started counting them over 6 years ago and other chains do as well.

Hyatt will finally join the club on on 1/1/18.

It’s a day late and a dollar short. They massively devalued their program last year. They wound up practically paying me to get 2 years of top-tier status due to a loophole earlier this year, but the program is now ridiculously hard to reach top-tier status. But more people will be able to reach that bar thanks to this change, so better late than never I suppose.

Free night awards given out for making 30 or 60 hotel nights in a year will also be extended from 120 to 180 days of validity, though as a top-tier elite, I’ve been able to get 10K points credit for each expired tier 1-4 free night.

Will you try to obtain Hyatt elite status due to this change?

HT: mochjas, via DDF


Newer First
  1. Andrew Measell

    Will an points stay count for the 5 brand free stay (currently only a paid or points + cash rate counts)?

  2. Hide4

    No, you should not have been globalist.As up until now points bookings have not been counted towards status.

  3. eds

    Meh… Still a depleted sad program compared to 3 years ago. Went form 28-32 stays and ~40 nights for 5 years straight to 1 stay / 2 nights in 2017. Focused on Marriott top tier since 60 nights + the CC got me Plat on both SPG and Marriott. Hyatt – No good promos, no bonus points, and 50% of the properties Hyatt Place/House where status gets you nada…

    I am quite sure the Hilton and SPG/Marriott are about the only people that were happy 2017 changes. I would love to see how many elites Hyatt bled going to 2018. It might not make a difference now with occupancy had record highs, but it will come back to bite them when we have another downturn..

  4. jim

    in early 2016, i spent 20 days at category 1 hyatt hotel using suite awards for 8K points a night. I should have been globalist right?

    • pau

      dan you stated once that you like to do cash and point bookings on category 6 would you do it for other categories like 5 and 4? or only 6? thanks

  5. marko

    Hey Dan does spg count free nights booked with points to meet the 18 nights required within 90 days upgrade from gold to platinum?

    same question for marriot, i believe their challenge is 9 stays..?

  6. Al

    Isn’t there a spend component now?

  7. Lauren

    Does that include credit card free nights?

  8. Emgee

    What if the booking was done before 01/01/18 but the stay is afterwards. (I’m booked for 12 nights in Jan)


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