Amazon: Samsung HDTV Black Friday Sale

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Amazon: Samsung HDTV Black Friday Sale

HT: jj1000, via DDF


Newer First
  1. Chaim

    These 40″ are okay… More specifically looking for something closer to 50″ for that price. Would pull the trigger for these below $300. Unrealistic, or wait for Cyber M?

  2. Levi

    Are these what you would call a hot deal?

  3. Levi

    I’m looking for what Chaim is looking for
    If you see something please post so I can buy as well

  4. Chaim

    Haven’t seen anything worthwhile yet today in the 40-50″ sub $400 area that I’m looking for :(.

  5. Levi

    Can you list the hottest deals on TVs today?


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