Update: Sold Out!
Garmin Nuvi 40 4.3″ GPS For Just $44.99 Shipped
Use the following code for $5 off: FRIFAM2014E
Use the following code for free shipping: FREESHIP
Lowest Amazon price is $71.99 shipped.
-Hear spoken street names
-Navigate right out of the box with preloaded maps and over 6 million points of interest
-Speed limit indicator
-Lane assist with junction view
-Trip computer records mileage, max speed, total time and more.
@Cancelled: Got the same message, put my CC CVV code in a second time and it went through!
alive again with the free shipping
Canceled Item(s): Due to unforeseen issues, the following items have been canceled. You will not be charged for these items.
We apologize for this inconvenience.
Alive again
Its alive once again
back in stock!
The deal is BACK ON!
Not the FREE SHIPPING though 😉
I called and got the Shipping waved.
If you have a smartphone – just use Waze – an Israeli invention that is free, and routes you around traffic!
You can get the one with lifetime maps for 89.99 with some coupons
Right, buying new electronics is exactly the same as buying something used and missing pieces.
new is overrated. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Garmin-nuvi-205-Automotive-Mountable-GPS-Receiver-w-case-and-power-cord-/201097530858?pt=GPS_Devices&hash=item2ed258cdea
I just stopped in middle of my shopping @ Home Depot for this deal,
But this is what I’m getting when I’m trying to add to cart, †This product cannot be added to the shopping bag, please choose a different product.â€
I’ll try again now, but thanks a lot anyways. I got lot of your deals in the past,
dead . they have -1 left
Can you buy the maps as part of the checkout process, or do you have to wait until it comes and then download and install the maps separately? I’m looking to add Canada but can’t find anywhere that says how to do it and the price.
We’re sorry, there are errors while processing the item(s) in your shopping bag, please go back to your shopping bag and remove the invalid item(s). This message comes up after applying my payment info..
Chag sameach! Gotta love autocorrect!
Thanks anyway!! Chat sam each!
Israel map deals:
You wanted 1, we only have -1 available. Please change the quantity requested.
Already sold out, gotta be quick on the draw when it comes to a deal like this!
Out of Stock
Dead! Tried and it said they only have -1 available
Sold out
No more left
We’re sorry, there are errors while processing the item(s) in your shopping bag, please go back to your shopping bag and remove the invalid item(s).
Thanks! Product can’t be added though.
Is this new or refurbished?
Link please?
I’ve never seen a brand new Nuvi sold anywhere near this price.
If you buy the maps, sure.
Does it work internationally?
you can buy similar gps’s on ebay for under $50 all day everyday.