-OBi Makes Up With Google Voice
-My $0/Month and $0.00/Per Minute Landline Phone…
OBi100 For $29.99 Shipped From Newegg
Use $12 off code: EMCAKKP56
This sells for $39.97 from Amazon where it has 4.6 star reviews.
The OBi now officially supports Google Voice and allows you to make unlimited phone calls to the US and Canada for free with no monthly or per minute fees. Calls to other countries are very cheap as well.
AAARRRGGHHH!!!! it seems the code expired
Is there any significaent difference between the different models (100; 110; 200)???
You need to unselect quick shipping and select free shipping.
Says 2.99 for shipping
@shimon: use the $12 code…
I don’t see it for $29.99, its already $41.
whats the dif between this and the 200 which was recently on sale?
How does Ooma compare w/Obihai? I would like to leave Optimum and get Ooma, & thought about Obihai. Oomas ‘free’ service is around $4 per month due to taxes govt’ fees etc. Israel rates are .028CPM, .008CPM more than Obihai, is Obihai actually free w/GV?
Works great. Have a OBi110 for many years.
@ayid Voice quality is fine
@Eli must first port number to a mobile device (go cheap prepaid) then from there to GV.
@a yid: as good as optimum same exact mechanism
all questioned answered in previous posts btw dan do you still have cable for 29.99
Can my optimum phone number transfer to Google voice?
In for one. Been waiting for a sale.
Does fax work
how good is the quality of the connection ?
Yes this requires internet, but no phone line.
Thanks got it
Was wondering if you changed to VL or stayed with GV direct.
Can someone please describe to us how this thing works. Is Internet connection required?